Title: Unexpected Outcomes Author: Ronda Sexton Series: TNG-AU Code: Riker/Ro Rating: PG13 Ro Laren left the sickbay with a troubled expression on her face. She never expected this to happen. After the Lysian incident, she and Deanna had teased Will about the brief affair he had with her. If she had known their affair would result in pregnancy, she never would have teased him about it. She walked down the corridor, arms tightly folded in front of her. She had to talk to Guinan. She was the really the only person, other than Captain Picard, that Laren trusted. She could not go to him yet. She paused in front of Guinan's quarters for a few moments then sounded the chime. She heard a voice say, "Come," as the door slid open. She walked in and saw Guinan sitting in a chair by the table . "Hello, Laren," said Guinan. "You look upset. Sit down and tell me what's wrong." Tears welled up in Laren's eyes. She sat in the chair by Guinan. She shook her head. "I'm in trouble again. Do you remember when the Satarrans took control of the ship?" Guinan nodded, "Yes, I remember,"" "I'm sure you heard I had an affair with Commander Riker while our memories were blocked." Guinan nodded again, she suspected what Laren's problem was now, and waited for her to continue. "Well," began Laren, tears sliding silently down her cheeks, "I just left sickbay. I'm pregnant." She buried her face in her hands and sat there quietly, trying not to cry. Guinan's heart went out to her. She came to stand by Laren and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Laren, you know I'll help you any way I can, but you have to tell Will. He should hear it from you instead of reading it in the Crew Health Status Reports. It will harder on both of you if he finds out in the report." She looked at Guinan with tear filled eyes. I know, but I'm afraid to tell him. We don't get along that well. He'll be furious, and he's going to blame me. I'm the one who instigated the affair by seducing him." Guinan shook her head. "Will is not going to be angry with you, and he won't blame you either. As for you seducing him, he could have said no. He choose to participate in unprotected sex with you. The responsibility for the pregnancy falls equally on both of you. Will is a good man. I know that he's been hard on you, but that's only because he wants to see you reach your potential. Go talk to him. He'll be shocked, but he won't blame you. I know it's hard for you to trust people, but you have to trust Will now. Both of you are going to have to work together to get through this." Laren smiled weakly. "You're right, Guinan. I'd better go tell him now, Dr. Crusher's Crew Health Status Report will be going to him at the end of the shift. If roles were reversed, I know I'd rather hear it in person than read about it in a report. She stood up and turned toward the door. "Wait a minute," said Guinan. "Go to the bathroom and rinse your face. Everyone you see will ask what's wrong." Laren went into the bathroom and rinsed her face. When she came out, Guinan nodded. "That's better. Now go to Commander Riker's office and tell him." Laren walked slowly down the corridor to the Commander's office. Her mind was reeling. How could this have happened. What would Commander Riker say? At his door, she paused briefly and then sounded the chime. The door slid open to admit her to the office. "Come in, Ensign Ro." Will gave her a friendly smile as he wondered why she had come to see him. Laren walked into the room with her arms tightly crossed in front of her. I will not cry, she thought to herself. That will only make him angrier. No matter what happens, I will not cry. She sat down keeping her arms crossed in front of her. "You seem upset, Ensign. Is there something wrong?" asked Will. He wondered what could have her so troubled. Whatever the problem was, he hoped he would be able to help her. She sat silently for a few minutes with a distraught expression on her face. Will sensed something was really wrong and waited patiently. Finally, she spoke, "Commander, when I said that the time we spent together when the Satarrans took control of the ship would be something we would treasure forever, I was teasing you. I wish I was teasing you now, but I'm not. I'm four weeks pregnant." She looked at her lap, expecting the First Officer to explode in anger. Then she expected him to remind her that he had said he hoped that they would not regret it and lay the blame on her. All of her fears were completely unfounded. Will was shocked!! "Ensign Ro, I...I don't know what to say. Are you sure?" She looked up at him fearfully, and was surprised to see no anger, only shock and sympathy. " I'm sure," she began miserably. "I wouldn't be here humiliating myself if I wasn't sure, Commander. I had my suspicions, and Dr. Crusher confirmed it this morning. I wanted to tell you before you read it in the Crew Health Status Reports. It would have been very unfair to let you to learn about it that way." He shook his head. He decided to use a more personal touch with their conversation, hoping that she would find it comforting. "I'm so sorry, Laren. I appreciate you having the courage to come tell me in person, I realize how difficult it was." He looked at her thoughtfully, afraid of how she might answer his next question. "Have you thought about what you're going to do?" He stayed at his desk, respecting her personal space, wanting to offer comfort, but not wanting to offend or frighten her. He could only hope her answer would not be to terminate the pregnancy. "I've suspected it for two weeks now. I've had plenty of time to think. I plan to have the baby and raise him. I realize it will be embarrassing for both of us, but it is not the baby's fault he was unplanned." She met Will's eyes with a steady gaze, daring him to disagree with her She would not have an abortion. "To Bajorans, all children are precious. Far too many were killed by Cardasians during the occupation." "I'm not worried about embarrassment, Laren," he said softly. "My only concern is for you and the baby. I am glad you plan to keep the baby. I will help you in any way I can. I'm just as responsible for the pregnancy as you. I accept my responsibility. I willingly made love with you during that time." Laren studied his face carefully. He seemed sincere, but trust did not come easily for her. She feared he was only *doing his duty.* "You don't have to Commander, I'll be okay....It's not your fault. After all, I was the one who seduced you." Her voice was breaking, and she looked back down at her folded arms, tears forming in her eyes. Yes, this was Will's son too, but she didn't want him to feel he had to do anything for her. He got up from his chair and came around the desk to stand beside her. "You may have come to my quarters to seduce me, but I wanted you as much as you wanted me. I'm just as responsible as you. I'll do whatever I can to help raise our baby." He placed a hand on her shoulder. When she didn't pull away, he squeezed it gently, offering comfort. His unexpected compassion loosened her tightly held emotions. She began trembling, silent tears streaming down her face. He knelt beside the chair and took her in his arms. She offered no resistance. He kept patting her back soothing her. "Shh....It'll be okay. We'll get through this. You'll see." It felt so good to be held and comforted. Tears coursed down her cheeks. Will held her, and let her cry. He wondered even as he soothed her, how he could convince her he was sincere. Being abandoned by his own father made him determined to be the best father he could be to his son. After a few minutes, she pulled back and he released her. "I'm sorry, I lost control, commander," she said in an embarrassed voice, as she wiped the tears off of her face. "You don't need to apologize. You've been trying to deal with this alone with no emotional support. There's no shame in losing control" A sudden uneasiness crossed his mind. She seemed so distraught. Was it only due to the fact she was pregnant, or was it something else. "Dr. Crusher examined you this morning. Is the baby all right?" "The baby's fine. It's a boy. I saw him on the monitor, he's perfect." She smiled remembering the tiny perfect form wiggling on the screen. "I'm glad to hear our son is normal." He looked at her, pleased to see she had no negative reaction to "our son," because he was very serious about taking his full share of responsibility for the child. His child would not suffer the pain he had from being abandoned by his father. He would make sure that would never happen to his son. "Have you told anyone else?" he asked softly. "Only Guinan, she's my closest friend on the ship. I remember when I first met her. She told me that she tended bar and listened. I went to her for advice. She told me that I had to tell you before you saw it in the Doctor's report. Deep down I knew I needed to, I just had to find the courage to do so. I was afraid to tell you. We usually don't get along very well. I was positive you'd be furious." "Laren, you've got to learn to trust people, me included. I know it seems I'm on your case most of the time, I just don't want you to waste your potential. You've made tremendous progress since you've joined our crew." "It's hard to trust people when you grew up in a Bajoran resettlement camp," she said softly. "You can't change your past, but you can make the future better. One way to start is trusting other people. Some people may let you down, but you can't give up on everyone just because some people have let you down."" "I know ," she said softly. "In fact I need to trust someone else with this news right now. I have to tell Captain Picard that I'm pregnant. It won't be easy. He gave me a second chance when I really didn't deserve it. I hope he isn't disappointed in me. "I agree, the Captain needs to be told, but I want us to tell him together. I'm involved too." He saw doubt cross her face and continued, "Laren, trust me, it will be easier if we tell him together." She gave him a small smile. It would be easier to face the Captain with Will rather than on her own. The Captain would just call him in anyway. Perhaps Will had really meant it when he said he'd take his share of responsibility for their child. "Let's get it over with." her voice trembled slightly. 'It's going to be okay, Laren. I'm going to help you with our son. The Captain isn't going to think badly of you for having sex with me. He'll be as supportive as possible. Let's go." He took her hand and led her to the door. As they walked out of his quarters and into the corridor. Will tapped his CombadgeBadge. "Riker to Captain Picard." 'Picard here. What is it Number One?" "Sir, can you meet me in the conference lounge immediately." I'm on my way. Is there a problem, Number One?" "I'll explain when I get there, sir." In the turbo lift he asked, "Has Dr. Crusher given you a due date yet?" "Bajoran women are pregnant for five months and humans for nine months. Dr. Crusher is not sure how long it will take since this is the first Bajoran-Human pregnancy."" "Well, no matter how long it takes both of you going to be fine. Dr. Crusher will make sure of that." An uncomfortable silence ensued in the turbolift. Laren nervously wondered how the Captain would react to the news. She hoped he would not be disappointed in her. He'd made her his special reclamation project after the incident with Orta. She wanted him to be proud of her, and now she was pregnant with the First Officer's baby. The lift doors opened, and they stepped out and walked to the conference room. "Remember Laren, everything will work out." whispered Will as the door to the conference room slid open before them. Captain Picard was already there when they entered the room. Laren looked at him nervously, and then lowered her gaze to the floor. "What is the problem, Will." asked Picard. Ensign Ro was clearly upset, and he wondered if Will was planning to bring her up on disciplinary action. The two of them seemed to butt heads with each other often enough. "Captain," began Will quietly. "Ensign Ro and I have something very important discuss with you." "Well, Number One, Ensign Ro sit down and explain the problem." said the Captain. "Sir," began Laren softly. "I'm pregnant." Picard stared at her in shocked disbelief. "Who is the baby's father, Laren?" he asked gently. "I am, Captain." said Will. "When the Satarrans took control of the ship and none of us had our memories, Laren and I had an affair. I've already assured her that I intend to accept my responsibility for her pregnancy." "I had no doubts you would, Will." said Picard. "How do you feel about all this, Laren?" His voice was so understanding and reassuring, she hoped she wouldn't cry again. "Well sir, I wish it had not happened, but since it has, I plan to have the child and raise him. I would also like to stay on the Enterprise. This is the only home I have. Dr. Crusher says the baby appears to be growing slowly by Bajoran standards, but he is normal. She isn't sure when I'll deliver, or if there will be complications with the pregnancy. This is the first Bajoran-Human pregnancy." "I'm sorry Laren got pregnant," began Will. "But I am glad that she wants to stay on the Enterprise. I plan to be an active father." Laren looked at Will. She took a step of trust and said, "I want you to be an active father. A father is very important to a child. We both know what it's like to be raised without a father. The Cardassians killed my father in front of me when I was seven years old. Your father abandoned you when you were fifteen. I would never deny you your rights to be involved with our son's life. I missed having a father, and I'll bet you did too." "Well, it seems you two have a good start on working this out," began the Captain. "I'll be getting regular reports from the Doctor on your condition. I'm sure everything will be fine." The Captain rose to his feet. "If you need anything else let me know. I'll give you all the help and support I can." "Thank you for your time, Captain." said Will. He and Laren walked out of the room together. "There, now that wasn't so bad was it?" asked Will gently. "I guess not," replied Laren softly. She looked at Will with a blank expression on her face. "At least the Captain took it well. I seem to be the only one who isn't taking it well" "You will soon," Will assured her. "You're the one who's pregnant. So it may take you longer. Besides, your body has to adjust to lot of hormonal changes right now." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know everything will work out Laren. Please try not to worry." "I'll try, but it won't be easy." she answered. "It's bad enough being pregnant, but because this is an inter-species pregnancy, Dr. Crusher wants to monitor me on a weekly basis. I'll be going to sickbay every week. She'll do imaging of the baby every week to make sure everything is developing properly. If problems occur, then she'll do whatever is necessary to save the baby and me." "Well, if you don't object, I'd like to go to the appointments with you. I want to follow our son's development too." Laren thought a moment. She had to try to trust Will. He was the father of her child. It would not be fair to refuse his request. He had a right to follow his son's development. "I have no objections," she said softly. "Good," said Will. "I meant what I said about taking my full share of responsibility for the child." ******** A week later, Laren waited uneasily with Will in Sick Bay for Dr. Crusher to examine her again. It was not a long wait, and Dr. Crusher was soon busy running scans. "Everything still looks good, Laren. The baby is continuing to develop normally. He's still growing a little slowly, but there's no need to worry yet. I'm going to put an image up on the monitor now." She hit a few buttons on the Medical Tricorder and the baby's image appeared on the monitor by the exam table. Will and Laren stared in awe at the sight of their unborn son. This is incredible, breathed Will. "Just five weeks old, and he can already suck his thumb." "That's not all," said Dr. Crusher. "He also has fingerprints, he can urinate, and listen to this." She hit another button on the Tricorder and they heard the unmistakable sound of a tiny heart beating. "That's his heartbeat." She smiled at the wonder and amazement on their faces. "Everything is going fine, Laren. Continue the Vitamin supplements I gave you last week, and eat a balanced diet . Try to eat foods from all the major food groups at every meal, especially proteins, fruits, and vegetables. We want that little boy to stay healthy. Keep working on your relaxation exercises too. They'll help you during delivery." "Thank you, Doctor," said Laren softly. "I'll do my best. There is one thing I am concerned about. I've been having trouble eating. I haven't been hungry. You said the baby's growth was a little slow. I know that it will hurt the baby if I don't eat properly. What can I do?" "Well, considering the stress you've been under, it's no wonder. Now that Commander Riker knows about your pregnancy, that should help reduce some stress. Don't worry about it now. Let' see if you do better over the next two to three weeks. I'll see you next week." Dr. Crusher smiled warmly at Laren and Will as they departed. It would be interesting to see how all of this worked out. Will was a man of integrity. She knew that Will accepted his responsibility. He had come to talk with her soon after Laren told him she was pregnant. Laren was having an extremely difficult time accepting her pregnancy and was very wary around Will. It would take time, but Laren would come to trust Will. In the corridor, Will turned to Laren. "It's an hour and a half to our duty shift. You should get something to eat. Doctor's orders you know." He smiled encouragingly at her. Laren shrugged, "I know I should, I'm not really hungry, but I'd better eat something." Will studied her thoughtfully. He wanted to make sure she ate. "Come along with me to Ten-Forward. We can both get something to eat there." She looked into his eyes, and saw that it was useless to protest, so she walked with him to Ten-Forward. As they walked in together and found a table, crew members stared at the unusual sight of the Will and Laren dining together. "Maybe this is not such a good idea," began Laren. "People are staring at us." Her face turned red. "They're just surprised to see us together. Don't let it bother you." He walked over to a food replicator and ordered two steak dinners. He sat hers in front of her. "Now eat, Laren. The steak will provide the protein, and the vegetables and fruit are good for you too." She slowly picked up a fork. She didn't want to be here, let alone eat. She wondered how long it be before she started to show. The ship's gossip mill would be going full force. Maybe Will did not care about ship gossip, but it bothered her to know that once again she would become the topic of even more gossip. Even though Captain Picard had given her a second chance, some people had felt she did not deserve to be serving on the Enterprise. Garon II was a part of the past she had long sought to leave behind her. It had been her stubbornness that caused the deaths of the other crew members. She often relived that day in her nightmares. "Laren.....Laren?" Will reached over to touch her hand. "I asked you twice, how do you like you meal?" She blushed. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. The food is fine. I was just lost in thought." Will wiped his mouth and grinned. "It's a good thing you liked it, it's almost gone." She looked down at her plate in surprise. "This is the most I've eaten in weeks. That will be good for the baby." "Maybe you should eat meals with me more often, if that will make you eat more. I'll just have to get used to having a silent meal." said Will with a teasing smile. Laren looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to be rude." She stared down at the table. "I'm just teasing, Laren. Why don't you drop the Sir when we're not on duty," suggested Will. "Okay, whatever," said Laren with a touch of uneasiness. Will was trying, she had to admit that. She still wasn't sure whether she really wanted him to. She wondered what his motivations were. She stood to her feet. "Well, it's almost time for my duty shift to start, so I'd better head for the bridge. I'll see you there." Before Will could object, she was gone. Will shook his head, it was not going to be easy, but somehow he would prove to Laren that she could trust him. Dr. Crusher told him it would take time and to be patient. He wondered how long it would take. After the Satarran incident, he had found himself thinking of her late at night when he could not sleep. She had been a spectacular lover. Filled with fiery hot passion. Now as a result of their passion filled affair, she carried his child. He shoved the memories to the back of his mind. It was time to report to the Bridge. He strode across the deck and walked out the door. ******** Two weeks later, after her weekly exam, Laren sat in her quarters looking at a huge pile of pasta and two side dishes of vegetables. She hadn't gained as much weight as the doctor thought she should, and the baby was still growing too slowly, so Dr. Crusher programmed the food replicators to give her a special maternity diet. At least Will had not been at the exam to hear the discouraging report. There had been an important away mission to deliver scientific materials to a research station, and he had to lead the mission. It was actually a relief to be away from him for a while. He was beginning to drive her crazy. She thought that it was because he cared, but he had become somewhat overprotective of her. As, she picked up her fork to begin eating, the door chime sounded. "Come," she said busying herself with her food. Perhaps whoever it was wouldn't stay long. Everyone on the ship knew she was pregnant. It hadn't been too hard to figure out who the father was either. Their weekly visits to sickbay for her checkups, and Will spending a lot of his off duty time with her were all the clues anyone really needed to draw their own conclusions. Guinan walked into her quarters. "Hello Laren," began Guinan. "When you didn't come to Ten-Forward for lunch, I was concerned. So I came to check on you." Laren blushed. "I decided to eat in my quarters today. Dr. Crusher put me on a special diet. I haven't gained enough weight, and that the baby has not grown enough. I really was trying to eat as much as I could. Now the food replicator records whatever I don't finish. If I don't eat enough, she said she put me in sick bay and use a plasma infusion unit on me. Will is going to be fussing over me even more now," sighed Laren. "I know he is just trying to help, but sometimes it gets to be too much." "Sounds like you'd better eat more. Then the doctor won't use the plasma infusion unit on you, and Will won't fuss over you so much. What you have today looks great. Keep on eating, I've already had my lunch." Laren continued eating. The food was good. She looked at Guinan and smiled. "At least with the Doctor's diet, Will can't feed me some of his stranger concoctions." She made a face. "Last night, he made Chili, and I had such bad indigestion, that I thought I was going to die. To make matters worse, since I'm pregnant, I couldn't take anything for it." "Pregnant women have had to live with indigestion for years." saidGuinan. "I remember when I was pregnant with my second child, I had indigestion nomatter what I ate." "Dr. Crusher said that this diet should help quell the indigestion. It's not high in fat, and it's blander than Will's chili," "I think just about every food that exists is blander than the Commander's chili. That stuff could almost eat right through the hull of the ship," laughed Guinan. Just then, the door chimed sounded. "Looks like you've got more company,Laren." I'll go and leave you to your company." She walked to the door as it opened. Will stood in the doorway. "See you later, Laren, Will." With that, Guinan breezed out the door leaving them alone. "Hello, Laren," began Will. He smiled warmly. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here for the exam. What did the doctor say about you and the baby?"" "Well I haven't gained enough weight, and the baby hasn't grown enough, so, she's put me on a special diet. The food replicators will issue me what's on the diet, and record any food I leave on my plate." "Well, with the Doctor's diet, you'll do better. The baby will too. You've got some great food. I haven't had my lunch yet, and you look like you can use some company." Laren nodded mutely, what else could she do? Tell Will no, and ask him to leave. She was trying hard not to have any major conflicts with Will. Besides, a part of her wanted to be with him. His kindness and gentleness towards her since she told him about the baby had really made an impression on her, even if his occasional bouts of over protectiveness drove her crazy. She wanted to love and trust Will in return, but it wasn't easy. Will walked over to the replicator and ordered up some pasta for himself. He carried it to the table. "I got all the materials delivered to the science team. If I hadn't had to supervise that mission, I'd have been there with you, Laren. I wish you could have rescheduled your appointment." "Doctor Crusher wants to examine me at the same time each week." she reminded him gently. Will gave her a charming smile. "Well, the Doctor knows best. We need to do what ever she says, so we'll have a healthy son." He looked at her with deep warmth, and she shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Will meant well, but sometimes, she found herself overwhelmed by the intensity of his emotions. She began to sneeze. After eight sneezes she said, "I hate these sneezing fits. People are even betting on how many times I'll sneeze when I start." She rolled her eyes in disgust. "Don't let them get to you, Laren. Some people are just insensitive." Will vowed silently to himself to find out who was betting on Laren's sneezing fits and put a stop to it. They finished the meal with light talk of the mornings away team mission. ********* Two months into the pregnancy, Laren began to show. Her uniform had been getting tighter, and she'd finally surrendered to the inevitable of wearing a maternity uniform. At least there had been no more betting on her sneezing fits. Through the grapevine she had heard that Will had put a stop to it. He was really trying hard to help and be supportive, but at the same time, he was becoming increasingly over protective. They had had a big argument when she felt he had gone overboard. She had told him that she was the one who was pregnant, and as long as the doctor okayed it, she would keep on using her favorite holodeck sailing program. Laren frowned as her door chime sounded, because she didn't want to be bothered right now. Fighting with Will always left her out of sorts. "Come," she said. The door slide open to reveal the First Officer. He had some flowers in his hand. "I'm sorry that I made the fuss about the sailing program. I know that the holodeck has safeguards built in, I just wasn't thinking. I only want to make sure you and the baby stay safe. He handed her the flowers. "I hope these make you feel better. I know giving them to you makes me feel better." Lauren accepted the flowers with a small smile. "Will, you've got to realize that I'm not going to do anything to hurt our baby. You said I needed to trust you, well you need to trust me too. She sat the flowers on the desk. I've got something else to tell you too. She smiled and continued. I've started feeling the baby move. You can't feel it on the outside yet, but I can feel him moving inside" Will looked at her slightly bulging stomach. "You can feel him now. That must be an incredible experience. Men miss out there. It almost makes me wish we were the ones who got pregnant instead of the women" She looked at him in amusement. "If men had to have the babies, after their first pregnancy, they would never have another one." He gave her a concerned look. "You're not worried about the baby are you? Dr. Crusher says your pregnancy is coming along fine. In fact, she said he was growing very quickly now. He's even at the top of the growth scale." "I'm not too worried," she said. "At least, the labor and delivery shouldn't be too bad. I'm glad I won't need any drugs for it." said Lauren. "What do you mean no drugs?" asked Will in confusion. "Why should you suffer needlessly?" "Will, I won't suffer. Baron women do not have pain during childbirth.Our bodies release natural endorphins that make us feel pleasure instead." she explained gently. "The only problem that may come up is my labor stopping if it goes on too long. If the endorphins begin to rise to toxic levels, then labor stops" "What would cause you to be in labor too long?" asked Will in a concerned tone. "I thought Dr. Crusher said everything was fine." "With the baby it is. She says I'm still too stressed out. If I am not totally relaxed during delivery, my labor can go too long. It could even become necessary to do a C-section or risk a fetal transport can't be." said Laren. "What about dangers from the C-section or fetal transport?" asked Will. "Well, here on the ship there won't be too many risks from a C-section. The biggest risk is blood loss. Fetal transports are only done as a last resort. Lost of cellular cohesion is a risk factor with it. We hope to avoid either one. You keep hearing Dr. Crusher tell me to work on relaxation exercises. " Will nodded. "I've noticed she tells you that quite often." "They'll help me when I go into labor." she explained softly. "I don't want the traditional instruments played though. That's just cultural nonsense." "Traditional instruments," said Will in a puzzled tone. "Don't worry about it." began Laren. "The delivery will be really different from human deliveries. If you change your mind about being in the delivery room with me I'll understand." she said, taking his hand in hers. He squeezed her hand gently. "I'll be there. I'm going to stand by you through all of this." Their eyes met and they gave each other deep understanding looks. After several moments, Laren loosened her hold on Will's hand, and he released her hand as well. Both were aware that their relationship seemed to be on the brink of a major change. "I think it's almost lunch time," said Will in a quiet voice. "Yes, it is." said Laren. "Dr.. Crusher says if I continue to do well, later on she'll let me try a week without the diet." "That's great, Laren." said Will with a big smile. "Before we know it, our son will be born. He'll be strong and healthy too, thanks to the Doctor and to you." Laren smiled, "To keep it up, I'd better get my lunch." She walked over to the food replicator and said, "Computer, please prepare a lunch from the prescribed diet for Ensign Ro Laren." A few seconds later, a tray with a plate of meat, vegetables, fruit, yogurt, a roll, and milk materialized. She took it to the table and sat down. "Would you care for some company, Laren?" Will asked. They usually ate together, but he wanted to give her a choice. "Why not? Go to the replicator and get some lunch." Will walked over to the replicator and ordered up his lunch. When the tray of food materialized, he picked it up and carried it to the table. "You didn't have to wait for me to start eating Laren." he said. "It's okay. I didn't mind." She began to eat. Will was glad to see she had regained her appetite. She seemed to be enjoying her meal. Laren looked at Will shyly, "Dr.. Crusher says that by next month we should be able to feel the baby move by touching my stomach. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell you or surprise you, but you should get something to anticipate and look forward to since I can already feel the baby and you can't." "I can't wait." beamed Will. "That's going to be so incredible to experience." They both looked at the crib by Laren's bed. Soon their son would be born and sleep there. He was really looking forward to feeling the baby move inside Laren, and to holding him once he was born. At the end of lunch, Will rose and took both trays back to the replicator slot. He slid them inside and punched the recycle button. He walked back to the table where Laren sat. "I enjoyed having lunch with you." he said tenderly. Laren smiled up at him with warmth. "I enjoyed having lunch with you too." she said softly. Will took her hands in his for a brief moment, then quickly bent down and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll see you at dinner time," he said. As he walked out, Laren's surprised eyes followed him, wondering if she were ready for the change they'd both sensed earlier. Her hand reached up involuntarily to touch the spot he had kissed.Part of her was ready, but another part thought about their working relationship. It was rocky at its best. How could a romantic relationship ever survive that kind of turmoil? Title: Unexpected Outcomes Author: Ronda Sexton Series: TNG-AU Code: Riker/Ro Part: 5/? Rating: PG13 A few weeks later at her checkup, she and Will waited patiently for the doctor to come in. As they waited, Will remembered back to the day Laren had told him that the baby's kicks could now be felt on the outside of her stomach. He had asked her if the baby was kicking now. For an answer, she had taken his hand and placed it over her swollen stomach. Then he felt a series of strong lively kicks. This was his child. A part of him. They had sat together on the couch as he felt the baby kick. Since that first evening, there had been many such evenings, sitting together one arm around Laren, the other on her stomach feeling their son. Kisses were also more frequent now too. Before he left her each night, he gave her a gentle kiss. The kisses had progressed from her cheek to tender kisses on her soft lips. Laren had begun to respond, kissing him back the second time he kissed her lips.......He came back to the present when Laren groaned softly and held her stomach. "I wish he wouldn't kick so hard." sighed Laren. She rubbed her stomach with both hands. "He's definitely going to be a strong the way he kicks." said Will. At that moment, Dr. Crusher came in. "Hello, Laren and Will, sorry I'm a little late. There was an injury from the Cliffs of Heaven diving program again. Let's see how you're doing." Dr. Crusher picked up a Medical Tricorder and began scanning. "Looks great, Laren. The baby's growing well. I'll put the image on the monitor." The image flashed up on the screen. He was kicking and moving in a lively fashion. "He's certainly lively." said Will. He'll be an athlete for sure. "Laren, the baby's growth rate has improve tremendously It looks as if you're going to have a big baby. I also see that you've been eating all the food in your prescribed diet. So I'm going to let you try a week without the diet and see what happens. If everything continues to go as well as it's going now, I don't see any reason to put you back on a prescribed diet. Do you have any questions?" "Yes, can you begin to estimate a delivery date yet? At the beginning you said I'd probably go six to eight months. This is five and half months, and I was hoping you might know something by now." "Well, judging by the baby's size, comparing it to Human and Bajoran fetal growth scales, I'd say you'll deliver at approximately seven months." she stated. "You mean she may have the baby in one and a half months?" asked Will. "Probably so," began the Doctor. "But the baby could take longer to develop completely. If he does come too early, we can always use our neonatal equipment to care for him. If Laren does go into to labor, then we can always induce labor." explained Dr. Crusher. "Anymore questions?" "How big do you think the baby will be?" asked Laren. "He'll weigh well over nine pounds if he continues to grow. If he gets too big, we may have to do a C-section." Will looked at her with concern. "Isn't that dangerous for both of them?" "Not as dangerous as Laren trying to deliver a baby that is too big for her body." answered Dr. Crusher patiently. "Do either of you have anymore questions?" Laren nodded. "I've begun to experience pain from my lower back down into my thighs. It's not constant, but when the pains occur, they are very intense." "He is very close to your cyatic nerve. The pain is caused by him settling on the nerve endings. He could end up settling there and putting pressure on the nerve for days." She frowned slightly. "I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can give you for the pain that won't hurt the baby." "Well what about blocking her pain receptors with a neural transmitter?" asked Will. "We can't do that, we have to know exactly what's she's feeling, or she could go into labor and not know it," explained Dr. Crusher. "The things she can do to help alleviate the pain are use heat therapy and massage therapy on the affected areas." "Can you show me how to do the massage therapy?" asked Will. He wanted to do whatever he could to help ease the pain she felt. "If both of you can come by after your duty shift, then I'll show you what to do," offered Dr. Crusher. Will glanced at Laren, and she nodded. "We'll be here," he said to Dr. Crusher. She looked at him with a grateful expression. "Thank you, Will, I sure that using heat and massage will help ease the pain considerably." "I'll do anything to help you, Laren. You should know that by now," whispered Will gently. Dr. Crusher smiled. "Do you two have any more questions?" "I do," said Will. "What can I do to help her get ready for delivery?" "Help her with relaxation exercises. Those are very important. If she can't relax enough to deliver naturally, I'll have to take the baby, and I don't want to do a C-section unless I have to. Do either of you have any more questions?" Laren looked at Will, who shook his head, and then said, "No, not right now." All right, then you two can go. I'll take your prescribed diet off the computer so you'll be able to choose your own meals." They walked out of Sickbay together. Laren shook her head with a smile. "Six weeks more, and the baby could be here, I can't believe it." Her hands traced the curve of her stomach. "I'm ready for this pregnancy to be over." "I'm ready for a different reason," began Will. "I want to hold my son in my arms." He placed an arm around her shoulders. "His mother too." Laren blushed. Will had never been openly affectionate in public. He noticed her embarrassment and removed his arm. They continued down the corridor slowly. Will glanced at her, and was pleased to see she was not angry. It must have been that she was just unaccustomed to public displays of affection. "We should get some supper. We need to be on the holodeck in an hour." said Will with a smile, hoping she would like his surprise. "The Holo Deck," began Laren. "What are we going to do on the holodeck?" "That's a surprise. It should also help reduce your stress levels. I've planned something really special for us." said Will with a smile. The program he had chosen was going to be great. They needed the time alone together in a setting other than in each other's quarters. For now, he led her to Ten Forward for a meal. They walked over to the food replicators and ordered dinners. He smiled when he saw the meal she had chosen. It was a combination of Human and Bajoran foods. It looked quite appetizing. As they looked for a table, Deanna and Worf signaled them to come to their table. "Hello, Will. Hello, Laren." said Deanna with a smile. They sat at the table with them. "Commander, Ensign," began Worf. "How was the exam? Is the child well?" Since Will and Laren had asked them to be the child's Godparents along with Guinan and the Captain, Worf had taken the honor very seriously, and always asked about their child. "He's just fine. In fact, Dr. Crusher thinks he may be born as soon as six weeks from now. She also thinks he's going to be a big baby." said Will with a smile. He reached over and placed his hand over Laren's. "Before long, we'll be parents." "That's wonderful." said Deanna. "Worf and I are very honored you have asked us to be Godparents." The meal continued with light conversation about the baby. When they had finished, Will stood with a smile. "You'll have to excuse us, but we're due on the holodeck." He took Laren's tray and carried them both to the replicator. She followed him, filled with curiosity. She had no idea what he had planned. They walked down the corridor from Ten Forward to the holodeck. "Come on, Will, tell me what you're up to," asked Laren. "Sorry, it's a surprise. You'll see when we go in," said Will mysteriously. At the entrance to the Holo Deck, he paused and said, "Computer, holodeck program Riker-Six." The doors slid open to reveal the Alaskan countryside. There nestled in the mountains was a small cabin. Smoke drifted lazily from the chimney. The ground was covered with snow. Will looked at her with an excited face. "Well, what do you think?" His eyes sparkled with anticipation. This was his favorite place from back home. High up in the mountains of Alaska, in wild untamed woods. She smiled at him. "It's beautiful. Where are we?" "It's a little cabin up in the mountains of Alaska. I spent a lot of my leave here when I was in the Academy." He led the way to the cabin. He opened the door. Inside, it looked much like a 20th century dwelling. Will was beaming with pride as he led her inside. "This house has been in my family for 300 years. We've made every effort to keep it the same as it looked when my family originally got it. It's even listed as a historic landmark. The only modern conveniences are the com system and a food replicator." He pointed to a bearskin rug in front of the fireplace. "That bear was killed by one of my ancestors. He saved a family on a picnic when the bear attacked. "It's all very nice, Will." said Laren as she looked around at all the old stylefurnishings. Will walked over to a closet and pulled out a set of cold weather gear. He handed it to her. "Put this on." he said. "We're going to take a little walk in the snow." She took them and began putting them on as he pulled out his gear. A totally evil thought crossed her mind. Pelting Will with snow balls would be fun. She thoughtback to the snowball fight she'd been in during her academy days. Will turned and looked at her. "Well, lets go." He took her hand and led her to the door. Once they were outside, she scooped up a handful of snow and darted away from him as she formed it into a firm ball. Mischief danced in her eyes as she rolled it in her hands. Will stared at her in surprise. He'd not expected this. She threw the snowball, scoring a direct hit on his shoulder. Then, the snowball fight was on. They both began to pelt each other with snowballs. It was good to see her relaxed and having so much fun. Suddenly, just as he threw a snowball, she turned and it hit her swollen stomach. She let out a breath and put her hand to her stomach. He was at her side in an instant. "Oh,, Laren, I'm sorry! Maybe we'd better get you to sick bay and make sure the baby is okay." said Will in a concerned voice. She laughed merrily, "It's okay, Will. Pregnant women are more sturdy than you think. It just startled us, that's all. He jumped hard, but he's okay." "Are you sure? asked Will. I'm positive,, lets go on that walk you suggested." She held out her gloved hand to him. He took it and used it to pull her close. "That's a great suggestion." said Will. Then he slipped his arm around her waist. They walked slowly through the woods. A light snow was falling. His arm was holding her close to his side, and it felt so good. Slowly, she slipped her arm around him. He smiled down at her warmly. "That feels good." He tightened his arm for a moment in a quick hug. They walked on. Laren gazed in wonder at the beauty around her. Even the hydroponics gardens didn't compare to this. "This is a lovely place. You must have enjoyed it as a child. The resettlement camps where I grew up were a nightmare. Not enough food, clothing, or shelter. It was really bad." said Laren. "Well, that's over now. You're here on the Enterprise, and you have a good life now." said Will as he gave her a comforting squeeze. "Life here wasn't always easy either. My mother died when I was two years old, then my father abandoned me when I was fifteen. I made it in spite of that. You've made it through incredible hardships too. It shows your strength." He stopped at a railing, overlooking the sheer drop off. The valley belowthem glistened with snow. "Now, this is my idea of Heaven." sighed Will. "Nature in all its beauty. Iuse this program when I get homesick for earth." "It's lovely." said Laren with a smile. Will gazed affectionately at her. He used his other arm to pull her into an embrace. She gazed up at him expectantly. He bent his head and gave her a long, tender kiss, pulling her closer as she responded. Finally, he pulled back and smiled led down at her. She seemed so calm and relaxed. The tension everyone usually saw in her seemed to have faded away. "I think we'd better head back for the cabin. I don't want you to get too cold." Keeping an arm around each other, they walked back down to the cabin. Once they were inside, he helped her out of her parka. "Laren, sit on the couch, and I'll get us some hot cider. It'll warm us up fast." She walked over and sat on the couch rubbing her stomach. "He's kicking again. He's certainly lively." She thought as she watched Will coming over to the couch with two cups of steaming cider. They hadn't discussed a name for the baby yet. It seemed like now would be a good time. They were both in a pleasant mood. Will sat on the couch beside her and handed her a mug. He put an arm around her shoulders and took a sip of his cider. He noticed Laren wasdeep in thought. "A penny for your thoughts, Laren." he said softly. His arm tightened around her pulling her close to his side. "I was just thinking, we haven't discussed a name for our son. It won't be long before he's born. We need to decide on a name." "Do you have any Bajoran names in mind?" asked Will softly. "Well, I like the name Raulsta. I also want him to have your surname." He pulled her into an embrace, feeling the baby's kicks against his stomach. "Laren, I wouldn't have it any other way. I want him to have my name." He released her with a smile. "How about Riker Raulsta William for his name. It would be both human and Bajoran." "I think that sounds fine. Adding William to Raulsta is a good idea. My father's name was Raulsta, and your name is William. Both sides of our son's heritage will be represented." She leaned her head against his broad shoulder. It was good to have the name chosen. Trusting Will had not come easily, but more and more she was finding that she did trust him. His tender treatment of her since she told him she was pregnant had drawn her very close to him. She even found herself adhering to Starfleet protocols closer than ever before. She did it, because she found herself wanting to please him. She felt more at peace with herself right now than she had in along time. He cupped her face with his hand, and turned it to tenderly kiss her. Her lips were soft and warm against his. He slid his hand from her cheek to her neck, then across her shoulder and down her back to pull her into a closer embrace as he kissed her. Laren felt Will's tongue brush against her lips. She yielded to his searching, and felt his tongue touch hers. It felt so good. One of her hands moved behind his head, while the other slipped around him to hold him close. After a long,lingering kiss, they pulled back, staring into each others eyes. The intensity of themoment left them both breathless. It was by far the most passionate, intimate kiss they had shared since her pregnancy had drawn them together. Finally, Laren lowered her head, leaning it against Will's chest. It felt so good to be treated with love. She was no longer a love-starved child in the resettlement camp, but it had been a long time since she had felt such acceptance and love from a man. Will continued to hold her, pressing his cheek to her hair. He realized that his feelings for Laren had become deeper than he ever thought possible. The time they had been spending together since she told him about the baby had truly bonded them together. He was determined that his child would never suffer the pain of abandonment that his father had caused him. He would also never suffer the harsh life that his mother had in the Bajoran resettlement camps. He grew concerned at her silence. "Laren," he began softly. "Are you okay?" She nodded quietly, keeping her head buried against his chest. Sensing that she needed to be held, he kept his arms around her, holding her close and stroking her back. A fierce sense of possession and love stirred up inside him. They sat there each others arms until their time in the holodeck was over. ******** Laren was in the sixth month of pregnancy. Dr. Crusher said she could have the baby anytime. Laren continued to man her Bridge Station, wanting to work rather than be idle. Dr. Crusher saw no reason why she shouldn't work either. She and the baby were doing fine. Will had been concerned about her working, and they had almost gotten into a fight over it. She finally called Dr. Crusher to explain to Will that working would not hurt her, and the activity was beneficial to her. It would help keep her stress levels down. The massages he gave her helped too. Even though the baby had dropped and shifted position so that she no longer had the severe back pain, he continued to give her massages. After talking with Dr. Crusher, Will apologized to Laren. His making up kiss, as he called it had been so intensely passionate that it had left her breathless. She just wished her labor would start. She was tired of being pregnant. Dr. Crusher had told her she would probably start labor within the next two weeks. She hoped that the Doctor was right. She was tired of sneezing fits, and she was tired of waddling where ever she went. One and a half weeks later, she was still waiting. She was at her station on the bridge. Suddenly she felt a strange sensation starting in her lower back andspreading to her stomach. She knew from the descriptions of labor, that it was time for her to give birth to her son. She turned to the Captain. "Sir, I think I should go to sickbay." Will was up and at her side in an instant. "Is the baby on the way?" he asked. "I think so. I can feel it." she answered. Her voice was tinged with nervousness and excitement. "Picard to sickbay." "Sickbay, Dr. Crusher here. What is it Captain?" Ensign Ro is in labor. We're sending her right down." "Acknowledged, Captain. We'll be ready. Crusher out." The Captain smiled warmly at both of them. "The two of you go on to sickbay." He gave Laren a gentle pat on her swollen stomach. "Don't worry Laren, you'll do just fine. I'll be down after you deliver." As the turbo lift descended, Will wrapped his arms around her in a comforting embrace. He felt her trembling. "Hey, you'll do fine. I'll be by your side the whole time. Try not to worry. Relax, Laren. Breathe deeply and slowly." She buried her face against his broad chest, accepting his comfort. Slowly, her trembling stopped. The turbo lift slowed and as he released her, the doors slid open. They walked to the doors to Sickbay. As they slid open, Dr. Crusher was there waiting for them. "Let's get you to the maternity ward." said the Doctor briskly. She led the way. Once inside the ward, a nurse helped Laren change into a sickbay gown. Will stood by waiting patiently while the nurse got her settled in the birthing chair. It was already setinto the delivery mode. "Now remember, Laren. You have to stay relaxed. Will, do you remember what I told you?" asked Dr. Crusher. Will nodded and began to gently massage Laren's legs. She leaned against the backrest. Will could tell she was still tense. He walked up to the back of the birthing chair and began to massage her shoulders. "Easy, Laren, easy. Breathe deeply, you're going to be fine." Will looked up at the monitors. So far the endorphin levels looked normal. She still seemed so tense. He leaned down near her ear. "Laren, what can I do to help?" he whispered. "Just stay here with me, Will. I just need you here with me," she said in a strained voice. Dr. Crusher looked up at the monitors. "Laren, use one of your relaxation exercises I taught you. Will, help her, talk her through it. The stress level indicator readings are rising. If we can't get it down, and the endorphin levels get too high, it will stop her labor. Laren closed her eyes and concentrated on the snowy Alaskan woods she and Will had explored in the Holo Deck. Will began softly talking her through a walk in the snowy winter woods. As he guided her through the exercise, the stress indicators began to drop dramatically. Her endorphin production also began to slow. Will wondered about the fates of nature that gave Bajoran women pleasure inducing endorphins to make the delivery of a child painless, but could easily rise to toxic levels if the mother became too stressed or tense. At the end of the exercise, Laren seemed much calmer. But, within a few minutes, the endorphin levels began to rise rapidly again. Dr. Crusher frowned. Laren had told her that her mother had suffered similar problems in childbirth. The levels were running close to toxic levels again. As long as labor progressed and neither she or the baby showed any signs of distress, she would let the birth go on naturally. However, she was fully prepared to do a C-section if she had to. She saw Will looking at the endorphin reading with concern. The board was behind Laren where she couldn't see it. The doctor shot Will a look that said for him to be quiet about the level of endorphins, knowing would only stress Laren even more. For the time being, her labor was progressing. "I can feel the baby moving further down." she sighed. The endorphins being released by her body kept her from feeling any pain. However with current levels, she might have to spend more than the usual three days in sickbay. Dr. Crusher looked at the readings. Hopefully the labor would not stop now. The baby was halfway into the birth canal. Soon it would be over. Normally it took about an hour for a Bajoran woman to give birth, but over the years Beverly had learned that wasn't always the rule. Laren seemed to be staying calm. Will was standing behind her and gently rubbing her neck and shoulders whispering encouragement in her ears. "Laren, Will, it shouldn't be much longer now," said Dr. Crusher Laren sighed, "It's about time. I'm sick of being in labor." Will looked at her, "You've done great!! I know I couldn't go through this and stay calm and relaxed." "I can feel him moving further down." said Laren in a voice of wonder. She was so caught up in the miracle of birth that she forget about being frightened. "The head should be presenting any moment now. Will if you want to see your son being born, you need to move down here with me right now," said Dr. Crusher with a smile. Laren looked at Will. This was it, the moment they'd been waiting for. "Go on, Will, I'm fine now. I want you to see Raulsta being born." He bent down and gave her a quick kiss. "I wouldn't miss it for the world," he said as he walked to stand by the doctor. As he watched in wonder, he saw a head of dark hair begin to emerge. Before his eyes, the miracle of birth played itself out. After the baby emerged, Dr. Crusher thumped the baby's feet. He drew a deep breath and let out a lusty cry. As Will walked back to the head of the birthing chair, Dr. Crusher held him up so Laren and Will could get a good look at their son. Dr. Crusher smiled at both of them. "Let me get him cleaned up, thenyou can hold him." She turned to the nurse who was assisting her. "After the placenta is delivered, clean her up and take the unit out of delivery mode." Soon, Laren had their son in her arms. Will sat next to the bed watching their son nurse at Laren's breast. The rich colostrum would make him healthy and strong. There had never been a doubt in Laren's mind about nursing the baby. Will was pleased she had chosen to do so. There was still no better way to nourish a baby. The doors slid open, and Dr. Crusher and Captain Picard both walked in. He shook his head as Will started to stand, and waved him back to the chair. "As you were, Will." he said. He walked over to the bedside. "Congratulations to both of you. Dr. Crusher tells me you have a perfect, healthy son." Laren gave the Captain a weary smile. "Thank you, sir." Will looked up, "Seeing him born was the most incredible experience ofmy life. Laren did a great job." "I'll leave you three alone now. Will, you're off duty for the next seventy-two hours. You both need to spend time bonding with your child." "Thank you, sir." said Will quietly. The Captain left the room. Dr. Crusher came to the bedside. "I told his Godparents they could visit after you three have had a chance to rest. If the next seventy-two hours go well, you and the baby will be released from sickbay." "But Dr. Crusher," began Laren in protest. "Laren, you know the regulations as well as I do. Mothers giving birth inany Starfleet facility are kept in medical care for a minimum of seventy-two hours. Besides, your endorphin levels were 12.475 from being at a toxic level. You would have to stay anyway, so we can monitor you. You may have to stay longer depending on how quickly your endorphin levels return to normal. It won't interfere with you nursing your baby, but it can still hurt you. Your Bajoran physiology keeps the endorphins out of your breast milk." "I know, but I'd be a lot more comfortable in my own quarters." "Laren, there are other good reasons for mothers and newborns to be under medical care for at least seventy-two hours. Sometimes problems don't always show up right away." Will became concerned. "Do you expect any problems with Laren or Raulsta?" "No, but the regulations are there for precautionary measures." She looked down at Raulsta, who had stopped nursing and fallen asleep. "Let me take him to the nursery so you can get some rest. We'll bring him to you when he's ready to nurse again. Will you can either stay here with Laren and sleep in the Father's Bed here, or you can go back to your quarters. Whichever you choose, you need to get some sleep." "I'll stay here with Laren." he said softly, laying a hand on her shoulder.She smiled up at him, glad he was willing to stay with her. Dr. Crusher carefully picked up Raulsta, so not to waken him and carried him to the nursery. Laren closed the nursing vent on her gown. I'm so sleepy." she murmured. She looked up at Will. "Thank you for staying with us." He bent down and kissed her tenderly. Then he began adjusting hercovers to make her more comfortable. "Sleep now, Laren. You need to rest, and there's no telling when Raulsta will be ready to nurse again." She closed her eyes and was asleep in seconds. Will went over to the Father's Bed that was provided in each maternity room. He lay down and was soon asleep. A few hours later, Laren felt someone give her shoulder a gentle shake. A nurse was standing there with Raulsta. "He's ready to nurse again." shewhispered softly. She helped Laren and the baby get positioned for nursing. Will stirred over on the Father's Bed. He rolled over and saw that Laren was nursing Raulsta. Smiling he walked over to her bedside. Raulsta was nursing hungrily.The nurse left, giving Will and Laren privacy. "He certainly has an appetite," said Laren with a wince. "He sucks really hard." Will chuckled, "Well, at least he's healthy." He sat in a chair by the bedand reached out to softly stroke the tiny head with his fingers. "Two point four kilograms." he said with a sigh. "He's so tiny and fragile." "Well, if he keeps eating like this, he won't be tiny very long." said Laren.She stared down at their son. He looked so much like Will. They both watched as he continued to nurse. "This is the best food for him. I'm going to breast feed him for a year.Of course, when I go back to work, I'll have to use a breast pump to fill bottles for the child care center. "I'm really glad you're breast feeding him." began Will. Breast fed babies are always the healthiest." He reached over and gave her shoulder a squeeze. The door chime sounded. "Come," said Will. The door slid open andWorf, Deanna, and Guinan walked in. "Oh, Laren," breathed Deanna. "He's beautiful." "He certainly resembles Commander Riker," remarked Worf as he looked at the baby. "There's nothing more wonderful than a newborn baby." said Guinan. Raulsta had slowed his nursing, beginning to doze off to sleep as henursed. When he was fully asleep, she pulled her breast from his mouth. "Guinan," she whispered. "Can you put him in the crib." "Yes, I'll be glad to." She gently lifted the baby in her arms and placed him in his crib. The rest of the visit was spent in small talk. ******** When the seventy-two hours were finally up, Laren was glad to be back in her own quarters. Raulsta was asleep in his, and she was resting in bed. The stress of the delivery had really taken a toll on her strength. She was still tiring easily. The toxins from the endorphins caused her muscles to ache. While Bajoran physiology could keep endorphin toxins out of her breast milk it could not filter out pain medications. There was nothing that could be done, except for massaging the sore muscles and using thermal heat packs. The worst pain was in her back. The muscles had already been irritated earlier in the pregnancy by the baby's position. Now the build up of toxins made the muscle pain even worse. Taking care of a newborn was hard. If it weren't for Will's help and support, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to make it. He had been so good to her. In the seventy-two hours she and Raulsta had been confined to sickbay, he'd been with her every minute. It was all the little things he's done. Helping her in and out of bed while she was still weak, giving her back rubs to ease the sore muscles caused by the near toxic levels of endorphins in her system, and changing diapers. He was taking his role as father very seriously. In fact, she expected him at any minute. He was going to have lunch with her and see if she needed anything. The door chime sounded. "Come," she said. as she sat up in bed. The door slid open, and Will, seeing her in bed, came immediately to her side. "Hello, Laren, how do you feel?" asked Will with concern. "I'm doing better. I just needed a little rest." She began to get out of bed,and Will took her arm to help her up. He held out her robe and helped her slip it overher arms. "Thank you, Will, I still just don't seem to have my back in shape yet. I've been doing those exercises Dr. Crusher told me to. She said it would take time." "Let me help you over to the table," He whispered so he wouldn't wake up Raulsta. He took her hand and also slid his arm around her waist, giving her support as she walked. He eased her into a chair, then went to the replicator. "Now, do you have any special requests, or shall I surprise you?" Laren smiled, "I'll let you surprise me." She hoped she wouldn't be sorry. Some of Will's surprises were a little bizarre at times. However, this time was not one of those times. Will set a steaming bowl of stew in front of her. "This looks delicious, Will. Thank you." She picked up her spoon and dipped it into the soup and lifted it to her mouth. "Mmmm tastes good too." "I'm glad you like it. How's Raulsta been this morning?" His eyes shoneat the mention of their child. "He was up at 0600 to nurse, then he was up again at 1000 hours to nurse again. He's still nursing really well." "That's good. He's a very important part of my life." He looked directly into her eyes. "So are you, Laren." Laren smiled, You're both very important to me too." It didn't take long to finish lunch. Will quickly cleared the dishes away. "Laren, I don't need to be on the bridge for another thirty minutes, would you like a backrub ?" She nodded gratefully. "That would be wonderful. I can't believe I'm still sore." She pushed back her chair and he helped to her feet. They walked to the sleeping area. She slid out of her robe and removed her pajama top. She eased herself onto the bed and lay face down. Will took the lotion from the night stand and squeezed some into his hand. He rubbed his hands together, and then began to smooth the lotion on her back. He rubbed firmly, massaging deep into the sore muscles. Laren sighed, "That feels so good." She closed her eyes and relaxed.The touch of Will's hands was soothing and eased the aching muscles in her back. "I'm glad you like it." he whispered softly as he continued to massage her back. He thought about how much he cared for Laren. He wanted her. Not just in a sexual way, he wanted to marry her. He wanted them to be a real family. Raulsta deserved a complete family. He did not want him growing up with a split family. He planned to bide his time, and let her recover from the birth of their son. Then he would ask her to marry him. They would be a family. His child would never have a childhood like his with only one parent living with him, and he would never, never abandon hisson as his father had him. Will realized it was time for him to return to the bridge. He pulled the covers up over her, and leaned down near her ear. "Laren, I have to go back to the bridge now." He moved to kiss her, and she raised her head to meet his lips. The kiss was incredibly sweet and tender. Laren put her hand on his cheek as his tongue sought hers. After a few moments, Will pulled back. "I'll be back at the end of shift, Laren," he whispered. He quietly walked out of her quarters. Laren turned to her side and reached for her pajama top. She slipped it back on. Raulsta was still asleep, but he would be up soon. She lay back down and pulled the covers back up. She thought about Will. They had gotten so close. She let her mind float back to the brief affair they had during the Sattarran incident. She'd never had such a wonderful exciting lover before. Even today, as he massaged her back, the touch of his hands had stirred memories of passionate caresses. She longed for those touches again. ******** Before she knew it, her nine week maternity leave was over. Today was the first day she had to leave Raulsta in the child care center. She checked his bag carefully. Everything was there. She held Raulsta close and waited for Will. He knew how hard it was going to be for her to leave Raulsta, and had promised to go with her to take him to the center. The past nine weeks had been wonderful. Will, Raulsta and she had spent quite a bit of time together. Usually, when Raulsta was down for the evening, they would sit on the couch and talk and cuddle. Laren knew there would soon come a night when she would have to decide whether or not to let Will make love to her. Their cuddling had become much more than cuddling. Last night, Will had slid his hands under her shirt to caress her breasts. She hadn't tried to stop him, and the caresses had felt so good....... She was jolted out of her thoughts by the door chime. "Come," she said. Will walked in and she stood to greet him. He looked at the baby in her arms, and then pulled her into his arms to kiss her. He kissed her deeply, enjoying the way she responded to him. He finally pulled back and said, "We'd better go, it wouldn't do foryou to be late your first day back to work." He picked up bag and they walked out. Inside the lift Will noticed that Laren was very quiet and said, "Laren, I know this is hard for you. He'll be okay. I promise." He put his arms around her to comfort her. The lift doors slid open and they walked the short distance to the child care facility. Laren signed Raulsta in and left slowly. Will followed her to the turbo lift. After the doors closed, he took her in his arms. "I know he'll be fine," she whispered. "It's just so hard to leave him after spending nine weeks having him with me all the time." "It will get easier as days go by. The first day is always the hardest," whispered Will in a comforting tone. The lift began to slow and they pulled apart just before it stopped and the doors opened. The both walked onto the bridge. The Captain smiled at her and stood up. Welcome back, Ensign." He shook her hand warmly. "It's good to be back, sir." she said simply. She took her position at the con station. She knew it would be a boring day. Star charting always was. Finally, her shift was over. She and Will went together to get Raulsta. As soon as she had him in her arms she felt much better. Will took his bag and they both headed to her quarters. Raulsta seemed to be hungry, so she hurried to change into casual clothes to nurse him. Soon they were sitting on the couch. Raulsta was eagerly nursing. Will sat close beside them, his arm around Laren as she nursed the baby. He looked at Laren's breast. His mind wandered back to their brief affair that had resulted in Raulsta being conceived. He remembered kissing and caressing her breasts. He recalled how eagerly she had responded to his love making. He wanted her....He wanted to make love to her again. He thought of the evenings they'd spent here in her quarters since Raulsta's birth. How they had sat on the couch kissing, and how last night she'd allowed him to touch her breasts. It had been a natural progression, their kisses had become so intense, that he had wanted more. She had responded eagerly to that touch, kissing him more passionately and pressing against his exploring hands. He was brought back to the present as Laren pulled her nipple out ofRaulsta's mouth. He was sound asleep. She fastened her bra and pulled her shirt down. While Will carried him to his crib, she went to the food replicator to order supper for both of them. He joined her as she set the tray on the table. It was a mixture of human and Bajoran foods they both enjoyed. They began eating. "This mission has to be the most boring one I've ever been on," said Laren. "For us, yes," began Will. "But Stellar Cartography is having a ball." "At least it was an easy day. Since I had to leave Raulsta for the first time." She looked over to the crib where he slept. "I missed being with him." Will reached out and took her hand. "I know you did. It will get easier asyou get back into your routine. They finished the meal quietly. Will gave her a smile. "You got the food,so I'll clean up." He gathered up the dishes and took them back to the replicator. While he cleaned up, she went to check on Raulsta. He was sleeping peacefully, so she went to sit on the couch. Will joined her, sitting close and putting his arm around her. He drew her close, and she put her head on his shoulder. They sat there awhile enjoying being alone with each other. After a bit, Will bent his head down and gently kissed her. She shifted her body to return the kiss more fully. She felt his strong muscular arms pull her close. His lips brushed across her cheek, and he began kissing her neck. She moved one hand to stroke his silky beard as his lips traveled from her neck back to her lips. His tongue prodded her lips playfully. She parted them and felt his tongue brush against hers. Fires of passion coursed through her body. She felt one of his hands fingering the hem of her shirt. She kissed him harder as his hand slid under the front of her shirt. His other hand began sliding up the back of her shirt. Soon, she felt them unfastening her bra. He moved one hand to caress her breasts, and the other pulled her closer. She was awash in desire. One of her hands found it's way under his shirt, and began to caress his chest. He moaned softly and his hand slid from under her shirt and came to rest on her knee. She felt the warmth of his hand through her hose. It begin gliding up her thigh. As it slid under her skirt, she realized they were reaching a point of no return. She didn't care. She wanted this, and sensed that Will did too. They had both known for some time that this was going to happen. His hand come to rest on her hip. Pulling her closer with his free hand, he slipped his hand into the elastic waistband of her panties. He began to massage and caress the area between her thighs. Her whole body began to tremble, and her breathing quickened as he continued to caress her. She slid her hand down from his chest to his crotch. He was hard. She stroked him through his pants, enjoying the way he responded to her touch. He nuzzled her neck with her lips and whispered urgently in her ear. "Laren, I love you so much. Let me make love to you." She was beyond words, drowning is a sea of passion and desire. She nodded her head against his chest. He stood and lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. He lowered to her feet and held her close in a passionate embrace. Soon, they were undressing each other. Clothes fell to the floor as quickly as they were removed. When they had undressed each other, Will gathered Laren in his arms and pulled her down on the bed with him. Fires of passion ignited them and consumed them. Afterwards, they lay intertwined in each others arms. Will looked down at her and decided now was the time to ask her to marry him. Pulling her closer, he said, "Laren, I love you and Raulsta so much. I want us to be a family. I want to marry you." She looked into his eyes and saw love and tenderness there. The love and tenderness she wanted so badly. She nodded her head. "I love you too, Will. I want us to be a family. I'll marry you." Will lifted her face to his and kissed her with a tenderness she hadn't known he possessed. "Laren, we're going to be a family now. I want us to get married as soon as possible. I'm afraid that as far out as we are, there won't be anyplace to go for our honeymoon." She snuggled closer to him. "Well, there's always the Riker Six on the holodeck deck. That would be a fun place to go. We could spend one night there, and go off later on when the opportunity arises." Will smiled at her. "I agree. I think that the bear skin rug would be the perfect spot to make love to you on our wedding night." "I see," she replied. "Bare skin on the bear skin rug. Sounds very sexy." Raulsta began to cry. Laren sat up. "It's time for him to nurse again." She began to get up, but Will stopped her. Let me get him. I might as well practice since we're going to be a family. He went to the crib and changed the baby's diaper. Then he brought him to Laren. They sat quietly so he would go to back to sleep when he finished nursing. When he finished nursing, and had fallen back to sleep, Will carried him back to his crib. Then he slipped back into bed beside Laren. "You're a wonderful father, Will." she said as he drew her into his arms. "A wonderful father," he began. "Is that all?" One hand stroked her body suggestively. "No, you're also a fantastic lover," she said as she move her head to kiss him." "Well, in that case, "I'll give you more evidence to prove your statement is true." Will pulled her on top of him and began kissing her with rekindled passion ******** The next morning, Laren and Will sat down across from the Captain in his ready room. He was fairly certain he knew what they wanted, but waited for them to tell him. "Captain, Laren and I want to get married," said Will. The Captain smiled, "Have you set a date yet?" "Not yet," began Laren. "But we want to be married as soon as possible" Will nodded in agreement, "The sooner the better." "Well, Will, you know what to do. After all, it is the First Officer who handles requests for Wedding Certificates. You both come from different cultures, have you discussed the type of wedding you want? Laren spoke up, "We just want a regular ceremony in Ten Forward. We're going to wear our dress uniforms. After the ceremony, we want to have a small reception there too." Will smiled. "I had to talk her into doing that much. She just wanted to be married here in your Ready Room with the required witnesses and that was it." The Captain smiled. "Usually it's the groom who wants to simplify the wedding. But Laren, Will is right. Your wedding should be something special to remember." Will got all the information entered into the computer. In a week, the wedding would take place. They'd be a family. He smiled thinking of the sexy red night gown he'd gotten for her as a surprise for the wedding night. Imagining her in it made him wish he had not gotten her to agree to wait until their wedding night before making love again. It wasn't going to be an easy agreement to keep, but the way it was kindling their passion it would be worth it. Their wedding night would blaze with passion and desire. Before they knew it, the wedding day arrived. At the appointed time, Laren and Will stood before the Captain in Ten Forward in the presence of their friends. "Since the days when wooden ships first began to sail across oceans, Captains have had the honor of marrying men and women" began Captain Picard. "Today, I have the honor of joining two of my Senior Officers in marriage." He turned to Will. "Will, do you take Laren as your wife. Do you promise to love, honor, and cherish her until death do you part?" He stared down at Laren with a loving gaze. "I do." "And Laren, " continued the Captain. "Do you take Will as your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, and cherish him till death do you part?" She looked up at Will with tears welling up in her eyes. "I do." she said softly. "Then by the power vested in me as Captain of the USS Enterprise, I now pronounce you man and wife." He gave them both a warm smile. "Will, you may kiss your bride." He took Laren into his arms and gave her a long passionate kiss. Their friends all burst into applause. The Captain stepped forward and hugged Laren and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "You've got a good man, Laren." Next, he shook Will's hand and said, "You have a very special woman, Will." The others pressed forward to offer their congratulations too. The reception was wonderful. Guinan had insisted on planning the whole thing. She had done a marvelous job. As Laren dance her first dance with Will, she felt as if she had finally found happiness. At last, they stood before the doors of the Holo Deck. Raulsta was being taken care of by Guinan for the night.. The doors opened, and they walked through the snow to the cabin. They entered the cabin and closed the door. Will picked up a package from the sofa. "This is a special present I bought for you to wear tonight. Go into the bathroom and put it on. You can also freshen up a bit if you'd like. I made sure you have anything you might want in the bathroom. I've got final preparations to make out here," said Will. She looked up at him with a loving smile. "I can't wait to wear this for you." She turned and walked into the bathroom. In the bathroom, she opened the box to find the sexy red nightgown and matching bikini panties Will had bought for her. She changed from her dress uniform to the night gown. Next, she went to the dressing table. It was set up with everything she could ask for. She touched up her makeup and put on the perfume that Will loved for her to wear. One quick glance in the full length mirror told her she was ready. She walked out the bathroom door. The room was lovely. Will had turned the lights down low. A fire blazed in the fireplace. Will stood by it in a dark blue robe. When he saw her coming out of the bathroom, he picked up two glasses of sparkling cider and walked over to her. He handed her a glass and raised the one in his hand to a toast. "Here's to us." he said softly. "To us," she echoed touching her glass to his. They both took a drink. Then Will put his arm around her and led her to the bear skin rug by the fire. "I've been thinking about this night since I decided to ask you to marry me. Since we set the date, I've spent every night fantasizing about making love to you here on the rug." Laren sipped her drink thoughtfully. "I've thought a lot about it too. Since we decided not to make love again until tonight, I've been looking forward to this evening." She took another sip, emptying her glass. Will took her glass along with his and set them aside. Then he drew Laren into his arms and kissed her tenderly. She slipped her arms around him and allowed him pull her down on the rug. His hands moved up and down her back as he kissed her. Slowly, one hand slid down her arm and guided her hand to the tie on his robe. She pulled the tie loose and slid the robe off his shoulders. He lay there next to her clad only in jockey shorts. He slid her gown up and she lifted her body so he could remove it. Then he pulled her to him, his hands caressing her body. She completely surrendered to him....... Later, they lay close together basking in the afterglow of passionate love making. She had never dreamed she could be this content. Will smiled at her and gently stroked her cheek before kissing her softly. "Well, Ensign Riker, how does it feel to be a married woman." "I love it, Will. The best part is having a wonderful, loving husband." She lifted her lips and kissed him tenderly. *********** In the days that followed, Laren and Will's life settled into a happy routine. Between work and being a family they were always busy. As Will had promised, it had gotten easier to leave Raulsta in the child care facility while they were both working. Several weeks after the wedding, they were eating lunch in their quarters. Will was in a playful mood and kept touching Laren under the table as they ate. "You're in a good mood today," remarked Laren. "Too bad we have that Senior Staff meeting today at 1300 hours. I can think of something else I rather be doing. How about you?" Will grinned, "Would it have anything to do with the way I'm touching you now?" He slid his hand up the inside of her thigh. "You'd better believe it," she said as she leaned over and kissed him passionately. Then she stood up and began to clear the dishes from the table. As she passed him, he playfully swatted her on the bottom. He watched her walk over to the replicator to recycle the dirty dishes. She had a wonderful body. He knew every inch of it intimately. Since their marriage, the bed in their quarters had seen action every night and other times too. The same was true for other parts of their quarters. He wished he had time to make love to her before the meeting, but there was only ten minutes left. All the touching he'd done during lunch had stirred up his desire for her. They walked to the turbo lift together. As they waited, Will put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her back against him, enjoying the feel of her body against his. She fidgeted with embarrassment and hope no one would see them. She loved Will dearly, but was shy about him touching her in the more public areas of the ship. Quiet corners of ten forward and the holodeck were different. When the turbo lift doors opened, Will released her and they stepped inside. In the conference room, the Captain was outlining the routine diagnostics that would be ran on all systems the next day. Laren and Will sat side by side listening. Will's mind drifted to the way they had spent lunch in the quarters.. It had been fun and exciting to touch her under the table. It would be more exciting to touch her during the meeting. It would be a private secret they could laugh about later. He casually put a hand down on her thigh. Laren was startled and shifted position abruptly. "Is something wrong, Ensign Riker?" asked Captain Picard. Laren blushed, there was no way she was going to explain what just happened. "No sir." she replied. The Captain gave both of them a strange look and continued with the meeting. Laren glared up at Will, who just gave her a good natured smile. A few seconds later, Will reached down and began caressing her thigh again. This time, she sat rigidly still. She also noticed that the Captain was staring at them again, but continuing with the meeting as if nothing were wrong. She quickly moved Will's hand off her thigh as soon as the Captain glanced to the other side of the room. Will smiled at her, ignoring the warning that was flashing in her eyes. No sooner than she had folded her hands on the table, did Will reach down and start caressing her thigh again. She was determined not to move and disrupt the Captain's meeting again. When this shift was over, Will would find out just how angry she was. The meeting finally ended. They all went to their stations. Laren sat atthe Con seething. How could Will have done something like that to her? In their quarters, in the holodeck deck, or a quiet corner of Ten Forward was fine, but to touch her in such an intimate way during a meeting of the senior staff was inexcusable, as well as inconsiderate of her feelings. She worked silently, keeping her eyes fixed in front of her. She could not begin to imagine what had come over Will. Towards the end of her shift, the child care facility called and informed them that Raulsta had been crying for forty-five minutes and they had been unable to soothe him. The Ensign in charge of infants felt he was probably hungry. Raulsta didn't have any bottles of breast milk left. The Captain immediately excused Laren to go see to her son. As she left the bridge, Will flashed her a smile, and told her to take good care of him. She merely gave him a cold stare as she left the bridge. Raulsta was crying very hard when she got there. She gathered him inher arms and held him close. Recognizing his mother, he stopped crying and just whimpered as he rooted against her shoulder. She was now absolutely certain that he was hungry. She hurried with him to their quarters so she could nurse him. Once they were inside, she lay him on the bed, quickly stripped off her uniform and put on her robe. All the while, Raulsta cried and wailed. She scooped him up into her arms and settled in a chair. She opened the top of the robe, unfastened a cup on her bra and drew his face to her breast. He immediately latched onto the nipple and began to nurse, his tears and whimpers dissolving into contented sounds. "There, there, now," she murmured in a soothing voice. It's okay. Mom's here," She decided it was time to start him on cereal. The breast milk was not keeping him satisfied anymore. She and Dr. Crusher had discussed it earlier this week, and the Doctor had given her a list of several cereals available from the replicator that were appropriate for him. She would have to update his records at the child care center so they would be able to feed him cereal there too. For now though, she just let him nurse. His eyes stared up at her as he nursed. Eyes that looked so much like his father's eyes. She closed her eyes and made great effort to keep her anger in check. Tension and anger would only slow the flow of milk. Right now, Raulsta needed her full attention. Later on, she would have plenty of time to give Will a piece of her mind. After about fifteen minutes of nursing, he feel into a contented sleep. She stood slowly, walked to the crib and eased him down. She readjusted her bra and robe, then sat down at the desk to work on the computer. She wanted to review the diagnostic procedures for the con station. She was in the middle of the review when Will walked in. He stared at her with a playful leer, remembering how much fun they had had at lunch. Then he walked over to where she was sitting, intending to continue the game. He put his hands down on her shoulders and bent down to kiss her. Abruptly she stood up and pushed him away. "Hey, what wrong?" asked Will. Laren's eyes flashed with anger. "After the way you were pawing me in the staff meeting, what do you expect? You embarrassed me in front everyone." As angry as she was, she made an extreme effort to keep her voice down so Raulsta would not wake up. "Oh come on, Laren, you loved it." said Will in surprise. "You weren't listening to what I said. A meeting of the senior staff is hardly the place for you to paw my thighs, even if we are married. The Captain certainly noticed what was going on. I have never been so embarrassed in my life. There are times and places to touch each other, but a staff meeting certainly isn't one of them." She gave him an icy glare. "No one would have noticed if you'd played it cool. It was meant to be a secret between the two of us. A little bit of fun. A private secret we could laugh about later." stormed Will. "You don't seem to care that you've embarrassed me. All you have on your mind is sex. Marriage is more that sex. It's also treating each other with mutual respect. You certainly didn't treat me with respect at that meeting," she snapped. Will walked to the door. As it slid open, he turned to her. "I'll be back later. When you cool down, you'll see how silly you're being about this. Then we'll both laugh about it." She glared and made an extreme effort not to yell. "Don't bet on it." As he walked out the door, she sat back down. They had not had a fight since they had been married. She wondered if this would mean the end their marriage. Will was so angry, and he had walked out........She cleared her mind and forced herself to focus on the data filled computer screen. Will wandered aimlessly through the ship. What on earth had gone wrong. They had had such a passionate lunch. When he had touched her on the sly in the staff meeting, he was sure she would enjoyed the secret continuation of the sensual game they had started at lunch. He'd returned to their quarters after his shift ended expecting a romantic, sensual, passionate evening with Laren. He certainly hadn't expected to get into a fight. As he rounded a curve near his office, he saw Captain Picard. Will wondered if Laren was right, and if the Captain had been aware of what he had being doing. "Number One," began the Captain. I'd like to speak to you in private. "Yes sir." said Will softly. "My office is just two doors down. Would you like to talk in there." The Captain nodded, and they went into Will's office and sat down. "Will, I try to stay out of the crew's private lives, but when private lives interfere with their job performance, I have no choice but to intervene." Will sat quietly, certain that the Captain was going to discuss his behavior in the staff meeting. "Today, during the staff meeting your behavior towards Laren was inappropriate and unprofessionally," continued the Captain. "Captain, I was...." "This is not a discussion, Number One," interrupted the Captain. "Staff meetings are hardly the place for indiscriminate touching of others. It makes no difference what type of relationship you have with that person. You embarrassed Laren today in front of her fellow officers." He shook his head. "I've never seen you act in such a manner. If there are any recurrences, there will be an official reprimand placed in your record. I suggest you apologize to Laren, immediately." "Yes sir," replied Will. "I behaved badly during the meeting, sir, and I apologize. It won't happen again. I'll go and apologize to Laren right now," Will walked back to their quarters. He'd certainly made a mess of things. He could only hope she would accept his apology. If she was too hurt and angry, and decided she couldn't trust him anymore, then left him.......He blocked that thought out of his mind.. He had to believe she would accept the apology. He walked in the door, and she looked up from the computer where she was working. When he saw her tear stained face, Will felt even worse than he had when he left Captain Picard. He had clearly hurt the woman who meant the world to him. He walked over to where she sat. Being careful not to touch her uninvited, he began. "Laren, I'm sorry. I.....I....I treated you very badly. I never meant to hurt you or embarrass you." She stood up, her eyes filling with more tears and took a step towards him. He reached out and drew her into his arms. "I am so sorry, Laren." He held her close. She looked up at him. "When you walked out during the fight, I was afraid. You were so angry. I thought you were leaving for good. I love you, and I don't want to lose you." His arms tightened around her. "Laren, I love you. I would never leave you. From now on, when we fight, let's promise never to walk out. No matter how angry we are. We'll stay in the room until the fight is over, or until we mutually agree postpone the fight for a cooling off period. Agreed?" She nodded her head against his chest. He lifted her face with one hand and began to wipe the tears away. "Captain Picard chewed me out for the way I treated you. I deserved the lecture he gave me too." said Will softly. "He gave you a reprimand for this." she whispered sorrowfully. Will shook his head, touched by her concern. "No, not this time. He did make me see how wrong I though. He pulled her closer and kissed her tenderly. She melted in his arms, feeling the warm security of his love. "You know, Laren, when married couples have a fight, afterwards, they make up." He gave her a welcoming smile. "Will you let me make up with you now?" She looked at him with a knowing gleam in her eyes. "Just what do we do to make up." "Well, I would take you to our bed and make passionate love to you." said Will huskily. She nodded her head. "That sounds perfect." He bent down and kissed her passionately. She responded to his kiss with equal passion, feeling loved and secure. Will lifted her into his strong arms and carried her to their bed.... Later that evening, Laren lay nestled in Will's arms. Passion had consumed them in a way that it never had before. Now they lay close together in each others arms. "Laren," began Will gently. "I noticed in the corridor today while we were waiting for the turbo lift that you seemed uncomfortable when I pulled you against me. Were you?" "Yes, I was," she admitted. "I love it when you touch me in the privacy of our quarters, on the holodeck deck, and even in the quiet corners of Ten Forward. But in the more public parts of the ship....." She trailed off for a few moments, as if searching for the right words. "It's just that I worry what other people think when they see us. I know that since we're married that there's nothing wrong with it when we're not working.....I don't why I get embarrassed so easily. I'll try to get used to it, because I know you're doing to show me love." "Laren, I don't want to embarrass you. What touches would you feel the most comfortable with in public areas." asked Will in an understanding voice. She thought for a few moments. "Well, I would enjoy holding hands, and I think you to putting your arm around my waist would be a good start." Will smiled at her. "Okay, then that's what I'll do." He drew her closer and kissed her softly. "Now, I think we should get something to eat. Don't you?" She smiled. "I agree. I am hungry." She sat up and reached for her robe which was on the floor by the bed. She put it on and walked over to the replicator. Will put on his robe and followed her. As she ordered the dinners, he put his arms around her, holding her close. When the food appeared, she picked up the trays. Will released her and took his tray. They walked to the table and sat down to eat. "I'm going to start Raulsta on cereal. Dr. Crusher and I discussed it earlier this week, and she thinks it's a good idea. The breast milk just doesn't seem to be enough for him anymore," said Laren. "Sounds like a good idea. I'm so glad you decided to breast feed him. I can't believe how big he's gotten. Your milk has made him so strong and healthy." She smiled at him. "I couldn't do it without your support. Some men would really object to their wives nursing a baby." She reached over and touched his hand. "I also realize that since Raulsta is breast fed you've missed out on feeding him. Would you like to feed him the cereal before I nurse him." Will beamed at her. "I would love that. I've missed feeding him, but I wouldn't want him on a bottle when your breast milk is the best thing for him." "Is giving him a bottle the only thing you miss since I'm breast feeding him?" she asked with a sly, sexy smile. "No, but when he's weaned, I'll make up for lost time," said Will lustfully. Just as they finished eating, Raulsta began crying in his crib. Laren smiled at Will, "Go to the replicator and order up Infant Cereal #351." She walked over to the crib and changed Raulsta's diaper. Then she returned to the table where Will was waiting with the cereal and placed their son in his arms. "Hey Raulsta," he began softly. "I have a special treat for you tonight." He spooned some cereal into his mouth. Raulsta got a surprised expression on his face and swallowed. Then he opened his mouth for more. "Well, what do you know? He likes it." said Will cheerfully. "Good, maybe he'll go longer between feedings now." said Laren gratefully. When Raulsta finished his cereal, Will handed him to Laren so she could nurse him. He nursed for about ten minutes, then drifted off to sleep. She quietly carried him to his crib and lay him down. As she turned away from the crib, she saw that Will had followed her. She looked up into his eyes, then stepped closer to him and slid her arms around him. He bent his head down and kissed her with a blazing passion. He guided her over to their bed, and they sank down on it together. ******** The next morning the chiming of their alarm woke them up. Will gave her a warm good morning kiss as she lay sleepily in his arms. "Good morning, sleepy head. I love you." he whispered tenderly. She looked into his eyes and murmured, "I love you too." "We're going to have to hurry, Laren," began Will. "We both need to shower, and Raulsta needs to be fed, bathed and dressed too." She nodded slowly. "We're going to be late if we don't hurry." She pulled out of Will's arms and sat up. Looking over at the crib, she saw that Raulsta was laying on his stomach playing with an activity board on the side of the crib. When he saw his parents up, he began cooing and smiling at them. Will walked over to the crib. "I have a suggestion, Laren. You go shower while I change Raulsta's diaper and feed him his cereal. Then, while I shower you can nurse him. After I get out of the shower and get dressed, I'll bathe Raulsta and dress him while you finish getting ready. Then you and I can grab breakfast bars on the way out." "Sounds great," said Laren. She looked around the room, and finally spotted her robe on the floor near the bed where Will had tossed it last night. She grabbed it and headed for the shower. As warm water coursed over her body, she let her mind wander back to the last time she and Will had showered together. Showering together was always a fantastically sensual experience. She wanted to shower with him now, there just wasn't time. Maybe tonight, she thought happily. She cut off the water and stepped out of the shower. She briskly dried herself off and put a towel around her wet hair. Then she slid her robe on. When she came out of the bathroom, Will handed Raulsta to her and went to take his shower. While he showered, she sat in a chair and nursed Raulsta. It was hard to believe he was already five months old. In seven months, it would be time to wean him. Then she'd get a birth control injection. As much as she loved Raulsta, she wasn't ready t have another baby so soon. Will came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He pulled his uniform out of the closet and began to dress. "As soon as I'm ready, I'll take him so you can finish getting ready," said Will. When he was dressed, he took Raulsta to the bathroom and quickly bathed and dressed him. At the same time, Laren hurried to finish getting ready. Finally they were all ready to go. Laren gave Will a soft smile. "I think I need a kiss before we go." She slid her hands up his chest and put her arms around his neck. He bent down and gave her a long, sensuous kiss. As he pulled back, he smiled down at her. "Feeling better now?" he asked. "Always after a kiss from you." she sighed. ************ Captain Picard looked up as the turbo lift doors slid open. He saw Laren and Will step out. From the expressions on their faces, he know Will had made things right. They both took their stations. When the relief crew came on for the lunch break, Laren and Will checked with the child care facility and discovered Raulsta was down for a nap. Since he was napping, they decided to go to Ten Forward for lunch. They made their selections and found a quiet corner. Both of them put down their trays and sat close together. In the dimly lit booth, Will gave her a quick kiss. Then, she surprised him by pulling him back for a longer, more passionate kiss. "You're sure in a good mood today." commented Will happily. She smiled at him. "Yes, I am." As they began eating, she slipped her hand down to caress Wills thigh. He sighed softly and slid his hand along the inside of her thigh. She leaned close and whispered in his ear. "You know, this morning while I was showering, I got to thinking how much fun it is to shower together. It been a long time since we've done that. I really want to do it again, very soon." She gave him a seductive look, and she let her hand brush against his crotch. "I'll take you up on that invitation tonight," he said playfully. "As soon as Raulsta is asleep tonight, you and I can get into the shower." All too soon it was time to return to the bridge. Will took her hand as they walked out of Ten Forward and towards the Turbo Lift. She pulled him closer and he slid his arm around her waist. She smiled up at him, a part of her wanted to kiss him, but she was just too inhibited to do it in the corridor. She hoped she would lose these inhibitions soon. She was making progress. Here they were in a public area of the ship and she was letting him put his arm around her waist. It seemed as if the shift would never end. It had been an uneventful four hours. Nothing of interest, just more diagnostics, but it was finally over. Once they were in their quarters, Will fed Raulsta some cereal while Laren changed out of her uniform. It was too awkward to nurse Raulsta in her uniform. She took him from Will and settled down on the couch to nurse him. Will sat down beside her and put his arm around her shoulders. He was anticipating the rest of the evening. Raulsta usually fell asleep as he nursed. Soon, they would be in the shower together. They'd been so busy, too busy in fact. He vowed to make more time to do things with Laren and Raulsta. As soon as Raulsta was asleep, Laren put him in his crib. At the same time, Will called up a simple menu from the replicator for their supper. They both sat down to eat, each very aware of the other. As they ate, their hands frequently explored each other's bodies. When dinner was finished, they quickly cleaned up the dirty dishes. Laren made one more quick check on Raulsta, and then she allowed Will to lead her into the bathroom. They undressed each other slowly, wanting to prolong the experience. Once they were undressed, Will turned on the water, and they both stepped inside....... Afterwards, they lay together in bed completely spent. Will had dozed off to sleep. Laren reflected on how their lives had changed since she first told Will she was pregnant with his child. Their relationship had progressed from fellow officers, to friends, to falling in love, to getting married. She looked at Will sleeping beside her, his arms still wrapped around her. He was a loving husband and father. He doted on Will. He treated her lovingly. The one fight they'd had since their wedding was quickly made up. Will was also a fantastic lover. Every since their wedding night, there had not been a day that they had not made love at least once. She considered herself lucky to have a man like Will. He really loved her. She had no doubt about that. Sleepiness was beginning to overtake her, so she nestled her head against Will's shoulder and fell asleep. ******** The day had finally come. Will and Laren were at Risa for their long awaited honeymoon. Since Laren was nursing, they had to take Raulsta with them. That would not pose a problem though, as Risa had an excellent child care industry to cater to visiting parents. They planned to spend four wonderful days together. On their next to last day, Will and Laren were walking on the beach. They had had such a wonderful time so far. They were in a quiet secluded area of the beach. Will stopped and pulled her into a close embrace. He kissed her passionately, and wondered how she was going to respond to his suggestion that they go "Skinny dipping." They were all alone on the beach, so no one would see or know. "Laren," he whispered in her ear. "Let's go for a swim." "Will, our suits are back in the room." answered Laren. "We could go swimming without them. Skinny dipping is fun." Will held her close and looked into her eyes. "You really want us to swim in the nude, don't you?" she asked quietly. She glanced around, they were totally alone, and it would clearly meant a lot to Will. "Okay,I'll do it." she answered in an uncertain voice. It could be fun she thought as she began to undress. They swam and splashed in the warm water. Before long, Laren was nolonger inhibited by the fact she was naked, and was really enjoying herself. It was so good to just relax and not have to worry about what other people might think. Will had disappeared from view. As she wondered where he had gone, two arms slipped around her waist, and a familiar voice whispered in her ear. "Are you having a good time?" She turned to face Will, and he pulled her close, kissing her as he ran his hands up and down her back. She responded to his kisses with an eager intensity. His kisses grew even more demanding, his hands more provocative as he moved her toward the shore and pulled her down onto the damp sand. She was so aroused, she didn't care where they were. They made love there on the damp sand with the surf pounding just below their feet. Later that evening in their suite, they were enjoying dinner by candle light. Raulsta was asleep for the night. "I had fun today, Will. The time we spent on the beach was so romantic." Will slid his arm around her shoulders. "I wish we didn't have to go homet omorrow. I've really enjoyed the time we've spent here," He glanced over at the bed and saw the Horga'hn he had bought for her sitting on the bed. She smiled when she saw he had noticed it. He turned to look at her. "Is that an invitation, Laren?" he asked teasingly. For an answer, she pulled his face close to hers and gave him a deep,searching kiss. His arms pulled her closer as he returned the kiss. Suddenly, she pulled back and darted out of her chair. Will looked at her in confusion, wondering what was wrong. She reached out and tapped his shoulder. "You're it." she said in a teasing voice. Then she scampered playfully across the room. It sunk in instantly, and Will jumped up in pursuit. He was fast, but she was more agile and kept out maneuvering him. They were both enjoying the game. He continued to chase her as she darted around the room. It was wonderful to see her so playful and relaxed. She turned around and walked backwards as he continued to pursue her. She miscalculated her course and fell into a chair. Seeing his chance, Will pounced and pulled her into his arms. The game had aroused his passion and desire to unbelievable levels. He kissed her as he pulled her to their bed. She laughed with delight, never had she dreamed married life could be so fun. In the past two months, she had managed to lose some of her inhibitions, and now here on Risa it seemed she was losing even more of them. The next morning Laren woke with a stinging sensation on the parts of her body that had been covered with clothes before they went skinny dipping. She sat up and saw she had a very bad case of sunburn. "Ouch, you're really burned bad," said Will with sympathy. "I'll have fun explaining to Dr. Crusher why I'm sunburned in such unusual places," said Laren ruefully. "Hey, I'm sure she's been skinny dipping before too. There's no reason for you to be embarrassed or ashamed," he said comfortingly. He leaned over and kissed her, being careful not to bump her sunburned skin. Later that day in sick bay, Laren waited nervously for Dr. Crusher. "What seems to be the problem, Laren?" asked Dr. Crusher as she walked into the examination room. "Well," began Laren in an embarrassed voice. "Will and I went skinny dipping on Risa yesterday, and I got a really bad sunburn." She pulled the sick bay gown down and revealed dark red skin. Dr. Crusher smiled. "I understand. The same thing happened to me the first time Jack and I went skinny dipping. You're going to have to spend some time under a dermal regeneration unit. Ten minutes on each side should do it. Follow me." "Will didn't get sunburned at all. He just got a fantastic tan," remarked Laren. "You've got much fairer skin that he does, Laren. From now on, always make sure you use plenty of sun screen," said Dr. Crusher. "You'll need to lie here on the table. I'll set the unit for ten minutes. Then I'll reset it for your back." Once the machine started, Dr. Crusher left. The healing rays caused a pleasant tingling sensation. Before she knew it, the ten minutes were up, and she was laying on her stomach completing the treatment. ******** Later that afternoon, Laren was rocking Raulsta when Will entered their quarters. He smiled at them. "Well, it looks as if Dr. Crusher took care of your sunburn." He walked over and bent down to give her a kiss. Then he gently stroked Raulsta's head. "Doesn't he usually take a nap about this time?" "Yes, but he's been really fussy this afternoon. It may be the time change that has him upset. Risa time and ship's time don't match." "You're probably right," said Will. "It looks like he's almost asleep now," "I'm going to hold him for a few more minutes. Just to be sure. The last time I laid him down, he woke up crying Immediately." Will sat on the bed by her chair watching his wife and son. His life was great. He had a loving wife and a wonderful son. It was amazing how much fatherhood had changed him. He smiled as Laren stood up and gently eased Raulsta into his crib. This time he stayed asleep. She motioned Will to follow her out of the bedroom. "Let's have some coffee," she whispered as she walked to the replicator. She continued to speak softly. "Computer, two decaf coffees with sugar." After a soft hum, two cups of steaming coffee appeared. She took one and handed the other to Will. Then she walked over to the couch and he followed her. They sat down and began to drink their coffee. "I had fun while we were on Risa." she whispered softly. She gazed affectionately at Will, "I'm glad we went." "You certainly loosened up while we were there." began Will. "I was surprised when you agreed to go skinny dipping with me," "I enjoyed it. I think we could repeat the experience on the holodeck deck," she gazed at him speculatively, gauging his reaction to her suggestion. "Sounds like fun. We'll just have to make sure you have on plenty of sun screen. You don't want to be sun burned again." said Will as he eased an arm around her shoulders. He drew her close, and she cuddled her head into his shoulder. She thought about how different her life had become. In her wildest dreams, she had never imagined that her life would turn out this way. She had a husband who loved her, and they had a son who was a great joy to them. She lifted her head and kissed Will tenderly. He put both arms around her and kissed her in return. It was a lingering kiss of sweet passion. She felt flames of desire stirring deep within her. She wanted to make love with Will. She wanted to feel his hands gliding over her body. She nuzzled his ear with warm, eager lips. "Will, I want you. Let's make love here on the couch so we won't wake up Raulsta." He drew her closer, pulling her down to lie against his chest and slid her loose dress up and pulled it over her head. Her hands began to feverishly remove his shirt. Their passion for each other took over.... Over supper that evening, they continued talking about their trip. Will was pleased to see Laren so animated. She had come so far since she had first told him of her pregnancy. No longer was she the tense withdrawn young woman she had been. She had blossomed in the warmth of his love. "I wish we could have spent longer on Risa." she said with a smile. "We had so much fun. I really did relax and enjoy myself." "I hope you continue to relax and loosen up. You really came alive while we were there. Frankly, no one would have believed you had any inhibitions." "I'm trying to be less inhibited. I know if I can keep the habits I started on Risa, that it will be an improvement," she said softly. "I'll like that," said Will. "You have no idea how much I enjoy touching you. Human men express themselves with touch more than with words." "I know," she began softly. "I've also noticed that other crew members who are married don't seem to have any problems with touching in the more public areas of the ship. I'm ready to try it too." Will smiled at his wife. "We'll take it slow and easy. If I ever make you feel uncomfortable, please let me know. I love you and I don't want to hurt you." She took his hands in hers. Will saw the desire in her eyes, and answered it with the same look in his eyes.... The next morning, they woke up to the sounds of Raulsta crying in great distress. Laren jumped out of bed not bothering with her robe. She picked him up and said, "Will, he's burning up. We need to take him to sickbay now." Her concerned expression spurred Will into action. He quickly dressed as Laren comforted Raulsta. Once he was dressed, he took the baby while she dressed. Raulsta continued crying in spite of all his efforts to comfort him. "Will, you don't suppose he contracted some illness while we were on Risa, do you?" she asked as she clutched Raulsta to her chest. They were hurrying down the corridor to sickbay. "It's possible. The best thing we can do is get him to sickbay and let Dr. Crusher check him out." answered Will. It seemed like an eternity before they got to sickbay. Will had notified Dr. Crusher, and she was waiting for them. She took Raulsta from Laren and laid him on an examination table. She picked up the Tricorder and began scanning. After a few moments, she snapped it shut. "Do you know what's wrong with him?" asked Laren breathlessly. She clutched Will's hand convulsively, as fear for her son gripped her heart. "He's running fever because he's cutting a tooth. That happens sometimes, but his fever is high. We need to get it down. I'll give him somebaby anacephalin. It's a fever reduction medication for infants." She picked up a hypo spray and gave him an injection. "We also need to get him into a lukewarm bath. His fever is dangerously high." "How high is ?" asked Will as they followed the doctor to the sink where she was running water for Raulsta. "It's 103.8 F. That's very high for a baby. Laren, come here and undress Raulsta and put him in this water." Raulsta had ceased crying, and listlessly allowed his mother to strip him. She lowered him in the lukewarm water. Will came to stand beside her. They both took turns holding him and pouring water across his body. Finally, the fever broke. Laren felt tears of relief roll down her cheeks. She lifted Raulsta out of the sink and dried him off. Then she quickly dressed him so he wouldn't get chilled. Will stood close by her helping all he could. Dr. Crusher smiled at them. "I believe he'll be fine now. I'm sending a hypo of the medicine along with this fever sensor. If his temperature starts to go up, give him a dose. It's pre-measured, so all you have to do is give him the injection. He can have a dose every four hours. The sensor is very easy to operate. Attach the patch to the back of his neck. Then turn the unit on. It will give you a constant read out of his temperature. If his temperature goes above 101, bring him back to sickbay immediately. Since you two go back on duty tomorrow, I'd like you to leave Raulsta in sickbay instead of the child care center. That way, we can monitor him. If he spikes another temperature, we'll be able to care for him here," "Thank you, Dr. Crusher," said Will gratefully. "Yes, thank you so much," said Laren. "I was so frightened. He's so little and he's never been sick before." Laren and Will both walked out of sickbay. Laren held Raulsta close, relieved that his fever had caused by teething and not illness. Many babies had died of various diseases in the Bajoran resettlement camps. Will carried a case of supplies from sick bay the doctor had given them to care for Raulsta with one hand. His other arm was placed around Laren, giving her reassurance and comfort. Once they were in their quarters, Will opened the case, and they began to set up the monitor. He very quickly attached the patch on the back of Raulsta's neck. The medicine was making him very drowsy. Laren sat down and began to rock him, keeping her eyes glued to the read out on the temperature sensor. His temperature had broken while they were in sickbay. It still read within normal limits. Will sat on the bed near the chair. Soon, Raulsta was sleeping. "Laren, why don't you put him in his crib now," began Will gently. "He'll rest more comfortably there." She looked at him and nodded slowly. "You're right," With great reluctance she put Raulsta back in the crib. Will could see how stressed she was. He pulled her into his arms to comfort her. "He's going to be just fine. I know just what you need. I'm going to run you a hot bath. I want you to soak for a while. It will help you relax. Afterwards, I'll give you a back rub." He released her and walked into the bathroom. She sat in the rocking chair and listened to the running water. Will was being so considerate. She knew he was just as worried as she was, and he was putting her needs ahead of himself. Will walked into the bedroom with a smile. "There, it's all ready. You go soak for a while. I'll be here to look after Raulsta." He took her hand and guided her to the bathroom. "When you're through, I'll give you a back rub. That ought to loosen up those tight muscles." As she walked into the bathroom, a familiar aroma took her by surprise. Will had put her favorite bath oil in the water. He'd even hung her robe nearby for her to put on after her bath. She undressed and stepped into the tub. The warm water felt so good. She closed her eyes and let the warm water slowly relax her. As she relaxed, she thought about Will. He was so caring. She had never seen this side of him before she had gotten pregnant. Her fears of how they would manage to get along had never materialized. They had only had one fight. Will was a very special person. She sighed and let her mind drift over the past months since she had told him she was pregnant with his child. After soaking for thirty minutes, she got out and dried off. Then she slid into her robe and walked into the bedroom. During her soak, she had come to the conclusion that she didn't want a back rub to relieve her stress. She had an idea that would relieve stress for both of them. Will looked up at her as she walked around to her side of the bed. He had already turned the covers down so she could lie in bed for her back rub. She smiled, anticipating his response to what she was going to do. "Ready for your back rub?" he asked. She slid off her robe and got into bed with a smile. As she lay on her side, she gave him a sultry look. I thought of something that would relax both of us, and it's not a back rub." She patted the bed. "Interested?" Will sat on the edge of the bed, and began removing his boots. Later on, just before noon, Raulsta began crying. Laren and Will both quickly checked the sensor read out. His temperature was still normal. They both breathed a sigh of relief. "I bet he's hungry. He's hasn't eaten today." said Laren as she began to change his diaper. "Will, why don't you go get his cereal from the replicator. Get number 489. That one has fruit in it." Will walked over to the replicator in the other room. Laren finished changing Raulsta's diaper, then she took him to their bed and sat down in the bed as Will came walking in with the cereal. He sat in the chair by the bed and took Raulsta. Raulsta ate slowly, spitting out every other spoonful. It took nearly twenty minutes to feed him his cereal. When he was finished, Will passed him back to Laren so she could nurse him. She opened her robe and brought his face to her breast. As soon as he felt his mother's skin against his cheek, he began rooting for the nipple. He found it and began to nurse contentedly. Laren smiled down at her son. "Is my boy feeling better now?" she whispered softly as he continued to nurse. They sat quietly and waited on him to finish. When he had fallen asleep, Will took him from Laren's arms and put him in his crib. "Well, he's sleeping again." said Laren. She glanced at the monitor his temperature was up slightly. It had been four hours, so she took the hypo and gave him another shot. He stirred a little, but did not wake up. "I hope his temperature doesn't shoot back up." She gave Will a worried glance. "I'm sure he'll be fine, Laren," said Will reassuringly. "Now, I suggest we get ourselves some lunch too." She followed him to the outer room. Leaving Raulsta in sick bay the next morning was difficult. His temperature had gone up again last night. It had gotten to 100.7. They gave him more medicine and bathed him in lukewarm water for thirty minutes before his fever broke. As she glanced behind her looking the doors to sickbay, Will slid his arm around her. "He'll be okay. Dr. Crusher will take good care of him." he said. Laren looked up at Will. "I know. I just hate to leave him when he doesn't feel well. Dr. Crusher says his tooth will probably be in today or tomorrow. Then he shouldn't run anymore fever. I asked her if this would happen every time he got a new tooth. She said she didn't know. Sometimes a babies run a fever when they cut a new tooth. Other times they don't She shook her head. "Being a parent isn't easy." "No, it isn't. Raulsta is lucky to have you for a mother, and I very lucky to have you for a wife." He drew her into his arms and kissed her as they waited for the turbo lift. She offered no resistance, instead she responded tenderly. "I guess you liked that touch." he said with a smile as they broke apart when the lift doors opened. "Yes, I did." she whispered. When they picked up Raulsta at the end of their shift, he was cooing happily. His tooth had come through late that afternoon. They took him with them to Ten Forward for supper. He babbled and cooed as he sat on Will's lap eating his cereal. Laren laughed when cereal fell with a splat on Will's uniform as Raulsta babbled at his father. "Here," she said. "Let me help you wipe that off. You've got your hands full." She took a napkin and cleaned the cereal off of Will's uniform. They smiled at each other. Their son was truly unpredictable. Raulsta looked at his mother, then pushed away the spoon and reached for his mother. "I guess he doesn't want those last few bites of cereal, Will." She took Raulsta in her arms and he began to root against the front of her uniform. "I think we'd better go, he knows exactly what he wants." chuckled Will. Laren smiled. This was not the first time that Raulsta had rooted against her in public, nor would it be the last. She walked to the door, following Will. In their quarters, she sat on the couch nursing Raulsta. Will was working at his desk, finishing up a report. "He certainly was the center of attention in Ten Forward. Sometimes having the youngest child on board is definitely a disadvantage." "Oh, I don't know about that, Laren. I think the attention is good for him. He is a very sociable child. He loves being around other people. Look at how much fun he has at the child care center. OUCH!! Raulsta, don't bite." She looked up at Will. "He just bit me. That's something Dr. Crusher warned me about. She said when it happens to pull him away from my breast for a few seconds." "Sounds like a good idea to me. Especially since you've got six more months to go before you wean him. You're still planning to nurse him until he's a year old aren't you." asked Will as he walked from the desk to the couch where she sat nursing Raulsta. "Yes, he needs the breast milk for about a year. At one year, he can be weaned and put on formula. Right now, he's getting important nutrients and building up his immune system by getting breast milk." "I know," said Will as he sat beside her. "I wanted you to breast feed him. I never said anything to you about it before you told me that was what you were going to do. I didn't want you to feel pressured." "After breast feeding him for six months, I still can't imagine making any other choice. It creates a special bond between a mother and child." "I don't know of a mother who's closer to her child than you." said Will. "It's the same with you and Raulsta, Will. You love him as much as I do. He loves you too. I enjoy watching you feed him his cereal. The way he looks at you with those big brown eyes of his leaves no doubt in my mind that he loves you very much. Just like I do." she said tenderly. Will tightened his arm around her shoulder. "I love you so much, Laren. I never thought of myself as a family man before, but now I can't imagine my life without the two of you." Raulsta stopped nursing and pulled back from her breast. Laren fastened the nursing cup on her bra. "I guess he's full." She pulled her shirt down and stood up. Well Raulsta let's get some toys and play. She got his activity quilt and spread it out on the floor. Then she sat beside the quilt watching him. Will joined them. "He certainly does love that quilt," said Will as he watched his son explore the various objects. "Yes, he does. It's also an excellent learning tool," answered Laren. She looked at Will. "Before we know it, he'll be walking. Then we'll have to baby proof our quarters. That way, he'll have freedom to explore." Will nodded. "When we finish setting up his room the way we've planned, it'll be a wonderful place for him to play." "I know. You've been working very hard," said Laren. "The only thing I'm not really looking forward to is moving his crib into his room when I stop nursing." "It will be hard on all of us. But we'll adjust," said Will. They both smiled at each other and continued to watch their son play. ********** It seemed as if the months had flown by. Raulsta had turned a year old. Dr. Crusher gave him a checkup. "He's doing just fine, Laren. You've said that you were going to stop nursing him at one year. The formula we started him on last week seems to be agreeing with him. I can give you a shot to dry up your milk if your ready." Laren nodded. "I'm ready. I enjoyed nursing, but it's time to stop now." "You realize once I give you the shot it will take a few days to take effect. "You'll also need to use birth control now. I can't give you the birth control injection until you've had your first fertility cycle. That will begin while the percastile is dring up your milk. You and Will will have to use condoms for the time being. If you got pregnant while the percastile is drying up your milk, you could have a seriously handicapped child. The same is true for the birth control injection. It will take six weeks to take effect." She pressed the hypo against her neck. It hissed and the medication entered Laren's body. The doctor handed her a box of condoms. "Here, when you need more come and see me." "Thank you, Dr. Crusher. I've seen babies who were affected by these drugs. I won't take any chances." She turned and walked out of sickbay. What worried her, was how Will would take this. Raulsta was taking his nap when Will entered their quarters. He walked over to where Laren was working on the computer and slid his arms around her. She stood up returning his embrace and kissing him softly. "Did Raulsta's checkup go okay?" he asked. "Everything's fine. Dr. Crusher gave me an injection of percastile to dry up my milk. It should take effect in a few days. Then, she'll give me a contraceptive injection. That takes six weeks to take effect." She paused, not sure how Will was going to react to the rest of the news. "We're going to have to use condoms until the contraceptive injection takes effect." Will pulled back and stared at her. "Use condoms. I don't think so. I'm not wearing a condom." "You have to. I don't want to get pregnant right now. The percastile injection dries up the breast milk, but when that happens, the fertility cycle starts immediately." She had to make him understand. She refused to take the risk of becoming pregnant and giving birth to a child that would probably die. "It doesn't matter if you get pregnant again, I'm not wearing them." Will's face was a mask of stubborn pride. Painful memories began to crowd in her mind. "I said I don't want to get pregnant. You have to wear a condom." Will picked up the box of condoms and threw it across the room. "I'm not wearing them." His voice was filled with anger. Laren could not take anymore. She turned and hurried out of their quarters. She heard Will call her name as she walked out, but she didn't care. She wandered into Ten Forward. Since it was early, it was almost deserted. She walked over the bar and sat down to talk with Guinan. Guinan could tell something was wrong. Laren looked very upset. She handed Laren a glass of juice. "What's wrong, Laren?" "The doctor gave me a shot of percastile to dry up my milk. In Bajorans, when the breast milk dries up, the fertility cycle starts up immediately. Percastile causes severe birth defects. They're usually fatal. Will refuses to wear a condom until It's safe." She looked down at her clenched hands. "Did you explain to Will about the ?" asked Guinan. Laren shook her head slowly. "I didn't tell him." "Then he's the one you need to talk to. Usually I listen, but in this case I'm making an exception. It's Will who you need to talk to, not me." said Guinan firmly. Laren rose reluctantly from the stool. "You're right. I also did something we promised each other not to do. I walked out on an argument." She headed for the door resolved to somehow find the courage to tell Will, since it meant digging up painful memories. Will glared coldly at her as she walked into their quarters. "Why did you walk out. We promised each other that we'd never do that again during a fight." She walked over to where he stood, tears trickling down her cheeks. "I know, and I'm sorry. I....I was just upset." She took his hand and led him to the computer console on the desk. He followed her sensing there was much more to this than he had originally thought. "Computer, show cases of Bajoran babies born to mothers who received percastile to dry up breast milk and became pregnant. Also show cases of Bajoran babies of mothers who became pregnant before their lophamor contraceptive shot took effect." said Laren in a tearful voice. Picture after picture of terribly disfigured babies began flashing across the screen along with their case histories. One caught Will's attention. Ro Beryl, who died at three days old. Will looked at Laren's tearstained face. "Was he your brother?" he asked softly. She nodded sadly. "I was five years old at the time. You've seen the babies. Do you see why I can't risk getting pregnant?" He pulled her to her feet and drew her into a comforting embrace. "I didn't know. Why didn't you explain it to me." "I didn't want to dredge up old hurts," she whispered as she buried her face against his chest. "Now that I know how important it is, I'll wear them as long as necessary," said Will. The infants that continued to flash on the screen were the most horribly disfigured babies he had ever seen. "Computer, stop," ordered Will, wanting to spare both of them. He lifted her face to look at him. "We seem to have had a fight. I think we need to make up, don't you?" There was tender expression on his face. She smiled up at him. "I agree." He led her over to where the box of condoms still lay. "We need to put these in the bedroom." They walked slowly into their room. Later as they lay in each other's arms, Will asked, "Feel better now?" "Making love with you always makes me feel better. You're a fantastic lover, but I did miss the feel of your skin inside me, and the hot burst of semen flooding my insides." She looked at him with a tender smile. "In about seven weeks we should be able to forget all about condoms." He pulled her closer. "Only if the doctor says it's safe. We won't take any chances." He thought for a few moments. "You said your breast milk should be dried up in a few days. That means soon I get to start making up for lost time." He gave her a leering grin. "That's right," she began. "Now that I'm not nursing anymore, you'll be able to do what you've been wanting to do for a long time. What I've missed you doing." Her eyes glowed as she remembered the pleasurable things he had done during their brief affair that had resulted in her becoming pregnant with Raulsta. She moved her lips to softly brush against his. It felt so good to be in his arms. They heard Raulsta babbling. "I guess I'd better go get him." said Laren. Before she got out of bed she kissed Will passionately. As she slid on her robe, she thought about how surprised Will would be to see how her fertility cycle starting would affect her sexual desire. It had been during a fertility cycle when they had their affair. She walked out of their room and into Raulsta's. He sat in his crib smiling and babbling. She picked him up and carried him back to the table. Will was waiting for them. Once he was in his high chair, Raulsta began to bang on the tray. "I think he's telling us that he's hungry," chuckled Will. Laren stood by the replicator as it processed his food. "Here you go, Raulsta," she sat down beside him and began feeding him. He ate with a hearty appetite. Laren looked up at Will. "You know, Will, I'm worried. He's turned a year old, and he's not even pulling up yet. You don't think there's anything wrong do you?" "Well, Dr. Crusher has never found anything amiss in his checkups. But, if it would make you feel better, you can always talk to her about it. I suspect nothing is wrong, that he's just not at that developmental level yet. Babies walk at different ages." "You're probably right, but I think I'll still may ask Dr. Crusher about it. Just to make sure." Three days later, Laren's milk had dried up. She knew it had from the look and feel of her breasts. She also knew, because it was obvious that her fertility was in full swing. She was in a very amorous mood. Will was still asleep in bed beside her. They had rotated off duty for two days. She lay by him, waiting for him to wake up. It took quite a bit of self control not to wake him up. She wanted to make love with him so much. Still it wasn't often they were afforded an opportunity to sleep in, and she wanted him to get some well deserved rest. As she lay there, memories of the months that had passed since she'd gotten pregnant with Raulsta. She was still reflecting on theses memories when Will stirred in bed beside her. She looked over and saw his eyes resting upon her. "Good morning, Will," she whispered softly as she moved to kiss him. He returned her kiss with warmth and tenderness. "Good morning, bright eyes. You're certainly up early for our day off," he whispered teasingly. "There's a good reason for that. My milk has dried up now. My fertility cycle is in full swing." Her eyes sparkled at him. "I've had other things on my mind besides sleep." She put her arms around him and pulled him closer, kissing him passionately. As he responded to her passion, her hands began exploring his body eagerly. Will felt his own passions being ignited. After a time, pulled back a little and smiled at her. "I think I'd better get a condom, before it's too late." She smiled and reached over him to get one from the box.... Much later, they sat down to breakfast with Raulsta. The passion of the morning had them both glowing. Raulsta, sensing his parents' happy mood was also in a good mood. "We need to stop by sick bay and pick up some more condoms." commented Will. "That box is almost gone." "I think Dr. Crusher expected them to last us a little longer." chuckled Laren. "After all, we've been married for almost a year now." "But our passion for each other is still as strong as it ever was." said Will happily. He reached over and tenderly stroked her cheek. "Maybe she'd better give us a larger box this time. That way, we don't have to come back so soon for more." "That's good idea. Because for at least the next three days, my fertility cycle is going to make my desire even stronger. I'll get my lophmar shot in a few days, but it won't end this cycle. It should take six weeks to stop them." She gave Will a smile. "Then it's back to the good old fashioned way of making love." She slid her hand alongthe inside of his thigh. "I can't wait." ******** Laren and Will sat close beside each other at a candle lit table. It was their first anniversary. Will had planned a spectacular evening for them. The holodeck program had taken quite a bit of time to develop. He had started over numerous time to make sure everything was perfect. He finally settled on an evening in Paris. Laren looked so lovely in the gown he had selected for her, he could scarcely keep his eyes off of her. "Do you like my surprise?" he whispered softly. "It's wonderful, Will," she murmured, drawing him into a kiss. They pulled apart as a waiter approached with a tray of food. He quickly served them and left. "Will, this looks delicious," began Laren. She picked up a fork and began eating. "I am glad you like it, Laren. I worked very hard to make this night very special for us. I want it to be an evening we'll never forget." "I know it will be," said Laren in a soft voice. When they finished dinner, they strolled along quiet streets arms around each other. Laren was so content. She knew she didn't deserve such happiness, yet somehow fate had brought it to her. Will stopped her and drew her into his arms for a long passionate kiss. She clung to him responding with all her heart. His love flooded her senses so completely that she was almost overwhelmed. "Let's go back to the hotel," whispered Will tenderly. She nodded, burying her face against his broad chest. She wanted to be alone with him so much. Will had refused to tell her anything about the evening, insisting it all be a surprise as it happened. She could hardly wait to see what would happen next. They entered a fancy hotel lobby and walked over to the elevator. As they rode up to the top floor, Will held her in his arms. When the elevator stopped, he led her to a door. As he opened it, she saw a luxurious suite. He lifted her in his arms and carried her across the threshold. Once inside, he lowered her to her feet and closed the door behind them. He smiled as she gazed in wonder at the room. "How do you like it?" he asked softly. "It's beautiful, Will," she answered. He picked up a beautifully wrapped package. This is for you. Go ahead and open it." There was an eager excitement in his eyes. She loosened the ribbon and bow and then began pulling on the tape. The shiny paper came off easily. She opened the box and found a lacy white gown with a matching robe. "Oh, Will, it's beautiful." She stood and kissed him lovingly. "Go into the bathroom and put it on," he whispered huskily. When she came out, Will met her at the door and tenderly embraced her. His warm lips pressed firmly against hers. Then he lifted her and carried her to the bed. ******** Their anniversary celebration was all Will had hoped for and more. He smiled at Laren who was sitting at the desk in their quarters. She was trying to finish the Flight Handling Assessment Report the Captain requested. The ship was long overdue for a maintenance stop over, and their were some minor fluctuations in the conn station she had to plan compensations for. They were scheduled for a maintenance stopover in four weeks. Until then, she and the other con officers were going to have to compensate. Laren's experience as Senior Con officer made her the logical one to do the work. She shook her head and rubbed her neck with a small groan. Will walked over to where she was sitting. "Rough time, with the report," he asked sympathetically. She nodded at him with a rueful smile. "I have a terrible crick in my neck. These compensatory routines I'm developing are going to take a lot of time to program into the navi-computer too. I wish the star base could take us earlier. These sub-routines are going take forever to finish writing." "Well, I know if anyone can do it, you can. You're the one who came up with the new routine to do Flight Handling Assessments." His eyes twinkled at her. If I recall, we discussed that change right before the Satarrans took over the ship." He smiled as she blushed, remembering all that had transpired. "The best thing that came out of that takeover is that we are together now. I never would have dreamed that you were attracted to me." She smiled up at him. "Well, I don't think anyone would have believed we would end up together. We're so different." "Well, you know the old saying, "Opposites attract," answered Will. He began to gently massage her neck. "How does that feel?" His fingers firmly probed the tightly knotted muscles in her neck. She leaned back and sighed deeply. "That feels fantastic." He continued to massage her neck. Slowly, the muscles began to loosen up. When he could no longer feel the knots and her muscles had relaxed he bent down and kissed her neck tenderly. "There, a massage and a kiss to make it better." "Thank you, Will. That does feel much better." She turned and softly kissed his lips. Then she turned her attention back to her work. It was very complicated. She estimated that she had at least six to eight hours of work to finish writing the routines and sub-routines. "You need to stop and eat some something. I'll get us steak dinners from the replicator. I fed Raulsta earlier while you were still talking with the Captain. He was sleepy, so I put him to bed early." He walked to the replicator. She watched him with a smile. "I'm sorry, Will. I didn't mean to leave all the work to you tonight. I was just so involved in working this program that I didn't realize that was happening." He turned to her with a reassuring look. "Don't worry about it. You've got orders from the Captain to get that program ready to use. That's what you have to concentrate on now." He carried a tray to the table. "Now, come over here and eat your supper. Then you can work some more on that program." She walked over to the table and sat down. "Thank you, Will. I didn't realize how hungry I was." After they finished their meal, Will cleaned up while Laren went back to work on the program. When he finished cleaning up he walked over to the desk. "How's it coming?" he asked. "Well, it's taking a lot longer than I expected it to. Take a look at this and tell me what you think." He peered at the screen and nodded his head. "It looks like you are definitely on the right track. These sub-routines look good." He put a hand on her shoulder. "I think you shouldn't work any longer than two hours more on this tonight. You're tired, and you could make mistakes. Then it will take you even longer to finish." "I agree. I don't want to make any mistakes." Will went over and sat of the sofa and left her to her work. Two hours later, Laren shut off the computer and rose from the desk chair. "I've made a lot of progress tonight. I may even finish sooner than I expected. Will smiled at her. I think you need a nice hot shower to relax you before you go to bed." "So do I," began Laren. "Why don't you join me." She held her hand out to Will, and he took it and they walked to the bathroom. Late the next day, Laren ran a simulation of her program. She watched as the sub-routines ran. If everything checked out, she could present the program to the Captain for his approval. It had taken most of the day. She would have rather been at the con station on the bridge. Six more hours of work had finally produced what she hoped would provide the modifications needed until their scheduled maintenance overhaul in four weeks. This was the third time she'd tried to run the simulation. The first two times problems had appeared in the program. This time she hoped she had all the bugs worked out. Finally, the program completed the simulation run. There were no problems this run. She took the P.A.D.D. with the program down loaded and headed for the bridge. She walked onto the bridge, and strode over to the Captain. "Here's the modifications for the con station sir. The final simulation checked out with no problems." She handed him the P.A.D.D. He took it and said, "Let's go to my Ready Room and run one more simulation. If the modifications meet my approval, then you may down load the program into the con station computer." They walked to the Ready Room and went in. The Captain downloaded the modification program into his computer. After running the Captain turned to her. "This program is excellent, Ensign. You may download the program into the con station navi-computer. Congratulations on a job well done. I know you spent quite a bit of time on it. After you down load the program and make sure there are no problems, you have the next forty-eight hours off." She smiled, "Thank you, Captain. That will give me some time to spend with Raulsta." She walked out of the ready room and headed straight to the con station. It took about forty-five minutes to down load the program and run the necessary simulations. She turned to the Captain with a smile. "It looks good, sir." The Captain nodded. "Well done, Ensign. Unless any problems develop, you're off for the next forty-eight hours." With a broad smile to Will, she left the bridge and headed to pick up Raulsta. In the Child Care Center, Raulsta laughed with delight when he saw his mother walk in. His arms reached up to her. Laren smiled down at her son. He still wasn't walking or standing yet. Since she had time off, she decided to take Raulsta down to sickbay and have Dr. Crusher examine him to see if there was a problem. She and Will had discussed it before. She bent down and picked him up. He wrapped his arms around her neck, and she hugged him tightly. Down in sickbay, Dr. Crusher snapped the Medical Tricorder shut. "There aren't any problems, Laren. Children start learning to walk a different ages. His legs are strong. He'll walk when he's ready." "Thank you, Dr. Crusher. I feel better knowing there's nothing wrong," said Laren. "Anytime you have a concern, feel free to come in. Motherhood is not easy. First time mothers have a lot to learn," said Dr. Crusher. Later that evening, she and Raulsta were playing on the floor when Will walked into their quarters. She stood up and walked over to greet him with a warm kiss. He held her close reveling in the warmth of her kiss. "You're lucky," he whispered in her ear. "Forty-eight hours off." She looked up at him in mock indignation. "I earned that time off. That program was hard work. It took a lot of concentration to make it work." He kissed her again. "I know it did. You did a great job. The con ran smoother than it has in weeks." He released her and picked up Raulsta and swung him in the air. Raulsta laughed delightedly. Laren smiled and walked over the replicator. "I'll get dinner ready." Soon they were all at the table. Raulsta babbled happily. "I had Dr. Crusher give Raulsta a checkup today. I've been concerned about him not walking or standing yet. She's says there's no problem." "That's good." said Will. "He'll walk and stand in his own time." He reached over and ruffled Raulsta's curly hair. "Isn't that right, pal?" Raulsta chuckled and held his chubby arms out and said, "Dada, dada up." With a smile, Will picked up Raulsta from his high chair. He chuckled as Will held him close. Laren smiled at the two of them. "You're a wonderful father, Will." she said lovingly. She stood and began to clear the table. "Will, I wish we were both off. I would have enjoyed spending the extra time with both you and Raulsta." Will smiled at her. "I know, but We'll still have the evenings together, and with you being off duty, you won't be tired. So we'll be able to enjoy evenings together." She smiled at him from across the room. "I'm almost finished cleaning up. Do you want to bathe Raulsta, or do you want me to do it." Will stood up. I'll bathe him." He swung Raulsta up in the air. "Come on, Raulsta, it's time for your bath." Raulsta laughed and said, "Dada, baff." Will laughed, "Yes, Raulsta, bath." He took Raulsta into the bathroom. Laren smiled after them. Somehow, she had never expected family life to be like this. Of course, her family life in Bajoran resettlement camps had been so abnormal, that she wasn't sure she knew what normal family life should be like. Will had certainly proven himself to be committed to family life. His love for his family was unmistakable. She heard Raulsta's laughter ring out as Will bathed him. She went into the bathroom and watched as Will lifted Raulsta from the tub. His uniform was soaked. "Looks like Raulsta tried to give you a bath too." Her eyes twinkled at him. "He likes to splash," said Will with a chuckle. He dried Raulsta off and put him in his sleepers. Laren reached for him. "I'll rock him to sleep while you get out of your wet clothes." She walked over to her rocking chair and sat down with Raulsta nestled in her arms. He gazed up at her with sleepy eyes. She rocked him quietly reflecting on how her life had changed so dramatically over the past two years. If anyone had told her life would turn out this way back when she was still in the stockade, she would have laughed in their face. Sometimes she thought she might wake up and find it all a dream. At least her son would never live through the horrors of a resettlement camp. Nor would he see Cardassians torture his father to death. She blinked back the tears in her eyes. It happened a long time ago, she told herself firmly. Crying won't bring him back. She gazed down at her son. He was sleeping peacefully. She stood slowly and quietly and carried him to his room. Very carefuly, she eased him into his crib. Will walked in behind her. He slid his arms around her and pulled her back against his chest. "It didn't take long for him to fall asleep," commented Will. "No," answered Laren. "We played a lot this afternoon. I think I wore him out." Will turned her to face him. "Want to try to wear me out tonight." She looked into his eyes and smiled. "I've always enjoyed a challenge." She pulled out his arms and took his hand in hers. They walked out of Raulsta's room and into their own. ............Laren stared in horror at the Cardassian soldier. He reached out to take her hand. She pulled back in fear. He grabbed her hand and pulled her along. At the door of a room, he pulled a piece of candy out of his pocket and handed it to her. She looked at him suspiciously and smelled it. Then she quickly popped it into her mouth. The soldier opened the door and led her into a room. There in the room was her father and another Cardassian. Her father stared at her. She'd never seen him look like this before. The other Cardassian picked up some type of device. He pressed a button. Her father clutched at his chest and screamed in pain. Laren tried to turn away, but the soldier held her firmly in place. Each time the Cardassian pressed a button, her father screamed. Soon, Laren was screaming too.... Will awoke with a start. Laren was screaming, "Father, father! No, please don't hurt my father." She kept screaming it over and over. Will shook her gently. "Laren," he called. "Laren, wake up. You're having a nightmare." Suddenly, she sat upright in bed. It took a few seconds for her to realize where she was. Will pulled her into his arms. "Are you all right? You must have been having a terrible nightmare." She nodded her head as she continued to sob against Will's chest. Will realized that now was not the time to question her about the nature of the nightmare. Right now, she needed comforting. Finally, she stopped crying and shaking. "Are you okay, Laren. Do you want to talk about it." asked Will gently. She nodded slowly. Will lay down, pulling her down beside him. He cuddled her in his arms protectively. "Tell me what you were dreaming about." "I was dreaming about the day the Cardassians killed my father." She buried her face in his chest. "It seemed so real. As real as the day it happened." Will pulled her closer. "I'm so sorry, Laren. I wish I could do something to help ease your pain." She snuggled closer. "Just hold me." Will nodded and tightened his arms around her. He realized she no longer wanted to talk, so he simply held her. Before long, her breathing told him that she was asleep. Only then did he close his eyes and drift off to sleep. The next morning, he quietly got out of bed. Laren was still sleeping. He wanted to surprise her with breakfast in bed. He wanted to do anything to help ease the pain the horrible nightmare had caused her. He quickly walked into the main room and made selections from the replicator for their breakfast. A quick peek into Raulsta's room revealed that he was still asleep. Will took the tray and carried it into their bedroom. He sat the tray on a bedside table and leaned down and kissed Laren tenderly. Her eyes opened and she returned Will's kiss. She slid her arms around his neck and continued kissing him. After a lengthy kiss, Will pulled back and slid into bed beside her. He handed her a bowl of strawberries. "I thought you might enjoy breakfast in bed." he said with a smile. He took one of the strawberries and held up to her mouth. She bit into the strawberry as he held out to her. The memory of the terrible nightmare begin to ease in the comfort of Will's attentiveness. ******** A few weeks went by, and Laren's sleep had not been disturbed by anymore recurrences of the nightmare about her father. Will looked down at his sleeping wife. She looked so peaceful and happy. The evening after her horrific nightmare, she had told him the entire story. He was shocked at the brutality she had been forced to witness at such a young age. She stirred and opened her eyes. "Good morning," said Will as he bent down to kiss her. She smiled at him and lifted her head to meet his lips. After a good morning kiss, she put on her robe and went to check on Raulsta. He was sitting in his crib. As she walked in, he grabbed the rail of his crib and began pulling himself up. Laren smiled. "Will," she called excitedly. "You've got to come and see this." Will hurried into the room wondering what had Laren so excited. By the time Will had arrived, Raulsta was standing in his crib holding on to the rail. "Look,, Will," began Laren. "He pulled himself up." She walked over to the crib and picked him up. "Oh, Raulsta, you stood up. Good boy!" She hugged him tightly to her. "See, Laren, I told you that he would stand and walk in his own good time." She beamed at Will. "I know. I was just having New mother anxiety." Later, after breakfast, she and Will spent time playing with Raulsta. They were both off duty, so they were enjoying spending time with their son. Laren lifted him to his feet and took his hands encouraging him to walk. To encourage him even more, Will sat a few feet away holding his hands out to Raulsta. He took a few tentative steps and laughed. "Ra ra walk." he babbled. "Come on, Raulsta. Come to daddy," Will said encouragingly. He toddled on into his fathers arms. Within a few days, Raulsta was walking on his own. He toddled all over their quarters. Laren found herself moving more and more things out of his reach. The "baby proof" quarters were not quite as "baby proof" as she thought they were. Everything within reach was examined and tasted. At least he could not escape from his crib yet. She had heard one mother bemoaning the fact that once her daughter woke up she was out of her crib in a flash. She was waiting on Will to get back from a meeting with Data. Then,they were going to take Raulsta to the holodeck to experience the beach. She chuckled remembering the beach of Risa. There would be no skinny dipping today. Not with Raulsta with them. They had been skinny dipping several times on the holodeck, but wouldn't be doing it today. The door slid open and Will walked in. Laren met him halfway across the room. She greeted him with a hug and kiss which he eagerly accepted. Soon they were all three on a holographic beach. Raulsta laughed with delight as he chased the waves. Laren smiled at their son. He was having the time of his life. "he really likes the beach," said Will as they watched him playing. The afternoon flew by, and before they knew it, time was up and they had to leave. "We'll have to bring him back for the beach program again," commented Laren as they exited the holodeck. "I agree. He had fun. We did too. Next time though, I'd like it to be just the two of us." He looked at Laren with a leer. "We haven't been skinny dipping in a long time." Laren laughed. "You're incorrigible, Will." She put her arms around his neck and gave him a lengthy kiss as they waited for the turbo lift. The lift doors opened and she pulled back. They walked into the lift and she grinned at Will. "It's about time for Raulsta's nap. While he takes his nap, why don't we have a little fun ourselves." She ran her hand suggestively down Will's chest. He shifted Raulsta to his other arm and pulled her close to kiss her. I'll take you up on that offer as soon as he is asleep." ******** Laren was working at her desk in their quarters when Will walked in with Raulsta. Smiling, she stood to greet them. "Well, how did it go?" she asked after Will had kissed her. "Raulsta had a blast. It's too bad you couldn't go with us," said Will. "I know, but this report had to be finished by tomorrow," answered Laren resignedly. "What matters is you two got to spend some time together. He really enjoys spending time with you." Raulsta reached for his mother and Laren took him in her arms with a smile. She could tell he was sleepy, so she took him to the rocking chair and began rocking him. Will sat on the sofa quietly watching as his wife rocked their son to sleep. A few years ago, if anyone had told him that he would be married to Ro Laren and raising a child with her, he would have laughed in their face. He thought back to the day when she had very nervously told him she was pregnant from the brief fling they had shared when the Sutterans had blocked their memories. Because of his promise to help her in any way he could, they had begun to spend time together. In time, he became better aquatinted with Laren. He saw parts of her that others seldom saw. As their child grew within her womb, their relationship had blossomed as well. The night she had agreed to marry him was the one of the happiest ones of his life. Laren rose and carried Raulsta to his room and gently laid him in his crib. As she stood there watching him sleep, she thought how much her life had changed. Yes, the troubles of her past were still with her and always would be, but they were tempered with the joy that Will and Raulsta brought to her life. Nightmares, whether from the incident at Garron or her hellish life in the resettlement camps, were soothed by Will's tender, comforting words and touches when they occurred. Her son and husband had wrought tremendous changes in her life. She loved them both dearly, and they gave her love in return. Her life had changed dramatically because of them. She recalled the day she had to tell Will that she was pregnant with his child. She had been certain he would be furious with her and place all the blame on her. After all, she had practically seduced him. His compassion had overwhelmed her. Slowly, as he helped her cope with the unexpected pregnancy, they had grown closer. Now, they were married and shared a deep and abiding love for each other. She quietly left Raulsta's room and walked into the living area. Will smiled at her and drew her into his arms. She pressed her cheek against his chest and wrapped her arms around his muscular body. This was where she belonged. She was no longer a lonely, rejected outsider. An unexpected pregnancy had brought the most unexpected outcome of her entire life.